A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Overachievers make for worrisome business leaders, and

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Are You A High-Performer – Or Just An Overachiever?

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Many leaders don’t often think formally about growth(except when year-end strategic planning comes around). Instead they

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3 ‘once-and-for-all’ growth team decisions you can nail down this weekend

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:In a previous post we examined how to retain your top performers in the current

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Communicating with consistency, predictable regularity, and authenticity.

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:In the last post, I outlined the seven main reasons your top performers are likely to

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3 Things You Must do to Retain Your Top Performers

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:I’ve written frequently about the vitally mundane

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21 indicators that your team has got what it takes to scale

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:As we’ve discussed previously, the core of

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How to Know if Your Team Has Got What It Takes to Make Good Decisions

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:We’ve already seen why consistently making high quality decisions (and executing them) is the key

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Making a Big Decision? Don’t Wait for Everyone to Agree

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:In over thirty years of working with

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Here’s the Unexciting but Powerful Secret to Scalability

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:One of the true pleasures of my

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The Dark Side of Heroic Leadership

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:I spend the majority of my time with groups and teams, helping them make high-quality

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How to Make Good Decisions as a Team

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:One of the tenets of Predictable Success is the importance of being ruthlessly constructive. The concept

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The Importance of Being Ruthlessly Constructive

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:As an organization or team grows, individual self-accountability declines, and a leader's job often becomes

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Restoring Accountability: Why It’s Important, and How to Do It

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Ever hired a bona fide hotshot, only to see them fizzle and underperform?Ever felt certain

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3 Tips to Ensure Your Next Hire Will Be The Right Fit

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Does your project list look like an airline departure board during a snowstorm… 'Delayed', 'Delayed',

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The 3-Word Sentence That Gets Stuff Done

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: As we've seen in previ​​ous posts, strong leaders often dominate their team, to the

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The Benevolently Manipulative Leader and the Atrophied Team

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: It’s frustrating to watch an organization hover on the verge of great success yet

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The Achilles' Heels of Great Leaders

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Ever hired a bona fide, battle-proven high performer, only to see them stumble and

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Why Great Leaders Lose Their Mojo

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.com Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: One of the most enjoyable

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The 4 Hidden Steps to Achieving Real Change

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Call it the Icarus Syndrome: A once high-flying leader finds they can’t get a break –

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The Icarus Syndrome: 3 Warning Signs Every Leader Should See

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.com Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Any great leader faces a

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The hardest skill for any leader to develop

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.com Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: The success of your organization

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How to hire great people every time

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Watch any youthful organization and you’ll recognize a predictable leadership pattern at work: One,

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Leadership for Grown-ups

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Ever wonder why Mondays so often feel unproductive? Mondays frequently feel like a mish-mash

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Why Mondays are so often unproductive

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: When leading a young, growing organization through the Early Struggle and Fun stages of growth, leaders

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Leading the Schizophrenic Organization

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: In the 1990s a British anthropologist, Robin Dunbar, postulated something that many growth leaders

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What's Your Magic (Dunbar) Number?

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Kai – Earlier today,  I invited you to  join

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A Memo to a New Senior Leadership Team Member

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Effective team-based decision-making is key to your

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Is Your Team Stuck in a Time Warp?

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:We saw in our last post that there are important differences between 'achieving' and 'performing',

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The 3 Ways High-Performance Leaders Differ From High-Achieving Leaders

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.comListen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Success in growing any organization is relatively

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The 20 Most Powerful Words For Any Team

In today's Episode of   'Scale! with Predictable Success' our guest is, In our interview today you'll hear Julia share about:the arc of

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Julia Hamm

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.As we have seen, leadership isn’t

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Build a reputation of leadership that transcends team boundaries.

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.​There’s a common misconception that’s widely

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Discover one of the biggest leadership myths and how to overcome it.

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available - please check back later. Developing leaders within an

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Hear the secret to sustaining leadership long term.

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.One of the signs of a

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View this 3-minute clip & transform your leadership.

This article is written by Predictable Success Consultant Scott Propp. One of the challenges of leading a fast-growing organization is that what

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4 Tips to Elevate the Way Your Team Communicates

Even when a team is assembled from the best and brightest within your organization, they won’t all work together effectively.While it’s tempting

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Shattering the Myths of Team Dysfunction

Many people start a business because they want the freedom that comes with launching their own venture. However, not many couples start

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Identifying a Gap and Going Deep Leads to Predictable Success

By Les McKeown, CEO of Predictable Success Amazon’s just-announced purchase of Whole Foods reminded me of the time, years ago, when I

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Amazon and Whole Foods: Why No Strategy Is Sometimes the Best Strategy

  Not many people kick off their careers with Oprah Winfrey, and follow it up with five years at Disney. The lessons

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Madison Avenue's CEO on Disney, Oprah and Finding a Framework That Works

Ever wish you could see into the future? Specifically, what challenges your business will face next, so you’d know how to address

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Hear What the Future Holds for Your Business

Ever hired a bona fide hotshot, only to see them stumble and flame out under your watch?There this individual is, blazing a

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Fit to Role Assessment

By Les McKeown, CEO of Predictable SuccessThe last few days have effectively handed the car-sharing space to Uber's competitors. It may take

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Uber: What Just Happened (and Why They're About to Blow It)

By Les McKeown, CEO of Predictable Success Wells Fargo just announced that it’s clawing back a total of $75m from the two

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Wells Fargo and the $75m Carpet-Cleaning Bill: Three Lessons for the Rest of Us

Each person in your organization generates anywhere from 20 – 50 individual actions per day.  Multiply that by the size of your

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How to Tie Strategies to Action

One of the keys to becoming a better leader is developing self-awareness. ​For most of us, it’s our blind spots that hold

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31 Things Leaders Need to Know About Themselves

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.There’s a wealth of resources available

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How to Tailor Your Team to Meet Specific Objectives

With nearly 20 years in the technology and security sector, Brian Arellanes has experienced his share of change. But it’s the change he chose to

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ITSourceTek's CEO on How His Firm Achieved a Triple-Digit Increase in EBITDA


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Build a Dream Team for Growing Your Business

It’s right about now that those great new growth initiatives you and your executive team were so enthusiastic about smash into the

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The Commitment Curve: A Toolkit to Keep Growth Initiatives on Track

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available - please check back later. Culture, employee engagement, ownership

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Time to Rebuild Alignment? Start Here First

Whether you’re celebrating Thanksgiving this week or are just in need of a good read, we hope you will enjoy this humorous

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The Turducken Construct: Have You Fallen Prey?

By Les McKeown, CEO of Predictable Success As you’re no doubt aware, Twitter’s future is at stake. Having put out a ‘please

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Twitter: Here's What Happens Next

Can your whole life as a leader be described in a diagram? Apparently so, says Carey Nieuwhof. A top-rated leadership podcaster, best-selling author

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Why Leaders Are Putting Their Faith in Predictable Success

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.While successfully managing a team, department

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Checklist for Executive Team Alignment

By Les McKeown, CEO of Predictable Success We’re in a season of schismatic change. The Brexit vote has riven business confidence not

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How Your Business Can Thrive, Whatever the Election Result

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.When executive leaders reach out to

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Symptoms or Solutions? (Getting to the Root of Stalled Growth)

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available - please check back later. One of the greatest

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Elevate Efficiency In Your Executive Team

We have exciting news to share… Inc. Media announced today its partnership with organizational growth and leadership development firm Predictable Success to

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Inc. 5000 Companies to Grow Faster with Inc. Consulting by Predictable Success

Success in business comes down to just one thing – making and implementing good decisions. Sounds simple, but consider this… Each person in

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6 Steps to Transform Your Team Into a Decision-Making Machine

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available - please check back later. The last five years

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3 Signs You’re Too Busy to Be Brilliant

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back laterPreviously, we saw that the precise

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The Two Most Common Imbalances in Executive Teams

By Les McKeown, CEO of Predictable Success There’s a defining moment faced by every once-a-firebrand-now-merely-big organization, and Alphabet, the parent company of

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Alphabet and Google: Here's What Happens Next

Summer’s beginning here in the northern hemisphere. For most, it’s a time to relax and recharge. Whether you have vacation plans, or are

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Summer Reads Suggested By Our Team

​​V + O + P + S = 960 where V=O=P=S. ​That’s it. That’s the precise formula for scaling your business.​As you

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The Precise Leadership Formula That Will Scale Your Business

Here’s a simple exercise that will give you valuable insights about yourself and those you lead. When a specific team member walks into

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If You Can Draw an Arrow, You Can Improve Your Team

By Dave McKeown, President of Predictable Success Your industry has a much larger impact on your business than you even realize. Just

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Beware of the Gravitational Pull of Your Industry

Does it feel like your once tight-knit organization has evolved into a tense, misaligned collection of fiefdoms? One where information is hoarded and

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Simplifying Complexity: Cross-Functional Teams

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.The New York Times recently took

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Google Uncovers the Secret to Building an Effective Team

Jim Collins’ book Good to Great is universally acclaimed as one of the best business books there is – and rightly so.

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Right People, Wrong Bus? When Top Performers Must Go

Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to anticipating what lies ahead. Watch as Les McKeown describes the seven potential stages your

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Pinpoint Your Business's Growth Stage

Your business is growing and that likely means you're facing increased complexity. You used to be able to improvise your way to

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How to Conquer the Complexity of Growth

After a lot of hard work and analysis, you have a strong plan in place. Now it’s time to execute it. The problem

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Sound Bite: The Key to Getting Your Team to Execute Effectively

Well over 100 million viewers will be watching the big game this weekend. Whether you’re a fan of the game, the commercials,

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Winning Strategies Worth Taking from the Gridiron

As the year draws to a close, chances are you’ve wrapped up your in-depth tactical review. Numbers and budgets have been pored over

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Top 10 Strategic Year-End Questions

Salespeople live and die by the annual review. ​Auditors have built an entire industry around it. For the next month, the media

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Download: The Leader’s Year-End Checklist (pdf)

As leaders, we each have our own specific strengths* that we bring to our roles. However, these same strengths can lead to

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Discover Your Leadership Blind Spots

  The first month of Q4 is nearly behind us and the holidays will soon follow. How can you maximize the productive

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Top 5 Ways to Make the Most of Q4

This article is written by Predictable Success Consultant Alex Thatcher. Alex Thatcher, Predictable Success Consultant Isn’t it depressing when you know a

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Put an End to Unproductive Meetings

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.com Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available

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Keep Difficult Conversations From Turning Toxic

This article is written by Predictable Success Consultant Carissa Figgins. Office politics are a nasty component of employment that can surface no

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How to Navigate Office Politics

By Les McKeown, CEO of Predictable Success There comes a time in the growth of every business when the once-tight startup culture

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When It's Time to Lose That Lovin' Feelin'

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back later.Developing leaders within any organization is

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For-Profit Leadership Lessons from Not-for-Profits

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available - please check back later. Ownership and self-acco​​untability are

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Gauge the Degree of Ownership and Self-accountability in Your Organization

A version of this article appeared at Inc.com Almost all my professional work is with groups and teams, and much of it

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When Virtual Teams Don't Work

A version of this article first appeared in Inc.com Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available

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Cancel Your Employee Engagement Program and Address the Real Problem

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available - please check back later. Do you work with

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Building a Highly Effective Team

Last weekend my 4-year-old Mac desktop fried. The screen had been freezing off and on for weeks, strange shapes and patterns were appearing

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Amnesty: A Vital Leadership Tool

In Michael Pollan’s fascinating book The Omnivore’s Dilemma (not an affiliate link), he points out that in the US, it takes between

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How’s Your Management Energy Conversion Ratio?

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available – please check back later. At its core, my

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Waah-waah: The instant leadership dysfunction test

In the previous post, I described the 3 reasons many organizations will miss their targets in 2011. The first was failing to understand the real

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3 sure-fire signs someone is systemically underperforming (not just having a bad month)

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post: Audio version not yet available - please check back later. Back in Ireland, we

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Finding Your The Voice

History prevents us from doing great things together.Here comes Joan, for example, taking her seat at your weekly managers’ meeting. You know

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Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back laterIn over 20 years of coaching

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Why 360’s are Vital in Achieving Predictable Success

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back laterWhen faced with a ‘must-be-fixed-today’ emergency

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Use Your O-V Ratio for Crisis Management

Are you a Visionary, Operator, Processor or Synergist? (If you don't know, our leadership styles assessment will quickly tell you.) We all

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Leverage Your Team's Leadership Styles

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:Audio version not yet available - please check back laterOver recent years, the Emotional Intelligence

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The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Predictable Success