Are you Facing Challenges That Require you To STEP UP A LEVEL?

Do you lead the growth or development of an organization and want to work with a seasoned, experienced coach to help you meet that challenge?

If so, Les McKeown may be precisely the coach you're looking for.

Les McKeown seated in front of a light

Les McKeown, globally renowned coach and Founder and CEO, Predictable Success

Is this you?

Perhaps you're a founder/owner...

Battling the challenges of growing your business, looking to develop the strategies and skills to take it to the next level while trying to juggle the day-to-day priorities of meeting your customer's and client's needs...

Or the president of a not-for-profit...

Juggling the competing demands of your board, your donors, your staff and volunteers, charged with changing the world and feeling run ragged with the pace of it all...

...or a senior executive in a manufacturing company

Torn constantly between the competing tyranny of the urgent - maintaining your supply chain, meeting your customer's expectations, keeping your people focussed - and the 'merely' important - sustainably scaling your business..

Or Perhaps you're the Lead Pastor of a fast-growing church...

Fighting to maintain your pastoral heart - and duties - with the burning desire to reach more people and have a bigger impact on the communities your ministries serve...

Whatever the challenges you face...

Les McKeown has coached leaders just like you

Dave Van Belle, CEO, Van Belle Nursery


Quality of coaching content 10/10

Les's coaching style 10/10

Likelihood of recommending Les to other leaders

I highly recommend Les McKeown to anyone looking to grow into "Predictable Success." Les has a wealth of experience, and a very effective style. His coaching was relevant, humorous, and highly applicable.  I know he can help you or your company!

Les McKeown, Founder and CEO, Predictable Success

About Les McKeown

Les McKeown is one of the world’s foremost executive coaches.

His work has been endorsed by Marshall Goldsmith (Harvard Business Review’s ‘most influential leadership thinker in the world’), Alan Mulally (CEO, Ford Motor Company) and David Allen (author, ‘Getting Things Done’ and the world’s pre-eminent productivity coach) amongst many others.

Les’s coaching is based on unparalleled real-world experience. As a serial entrepreneur he started over 40 businesses personally, and through his decade-long work with a global incubation company helped thousands more do so.

Les has worked with executives in organizations of all sizes and types, from privately-held family businesses to Fortune 100 companies.

His clients include Chevron, American Express, T-Mobile, Harvard University, The US Army, the National Security Agency, Kaiser Permanente, The Motley Fool and many others.

Les is equally happy working with executives in both for-profit and not-for-profit environments.

Julia Hamm, CEO, Smart Electric Power Alliance, talks about her coaching relationship with Les McKeown


(Click arrows to read more)


"I didn’t always hear what I wanted, but I always heard what I needed to hear."

Thomas H. Douglas , CEO, JMark Business Solutions, Inc

Working with Les has been one of the best decisions that I’ve made in the last several years.

As a part of our coaching sessions, Les helped me to see where we had gaps in the business and work through the process to close them. In our sessions we dealt with organizational issues, people issues, process issues and my own development as a leader. I didn’t always hear what I wanted, but I always heard what I needed to hear.

Les's coaching gave me the tools I needed to have the courageous conversations that we needed to have, and enabled me to do so in a positive and impactful way. The wealth of experience & knowledge that Les brings to the table provides a path forward in a practical and useful manner, rather than just the high-level theories that we so often read about. In almost every conversation, Les was able to shed light on a challenge, help me to see things through a new lens, and he would often provide a tool or action plan that I could put into immediate action.

If your business is having challenges as you grow, I would highly recommend investing in your future by working with Les. Your investment will pay significant dividends.


"Les really cares. This is custom coaching, not some pre-scripted plan he gives to every client."

Carey Nieuwhof , CEO, Carey Nieuwhof Communications

Les' ability to pinpoint issues by asking a few clear questions amazes me. He's able to see through my limits, my answers and my assumptions in a way that makes me and my organization better.

In addition, Les really cares. This is custom coaching, not some pre-scripted plan he gives to every client. Les listens as much as he talks, and when he talks, it moves us forward.

My team is more engaged, I have far more clarity on my business model for the future, and Les has helped me eliminate things that were distracting me and hindering our ultimate mission.

If you're motivated to change and grow, this is a fantastic investment. - Carey Nieuwhof, Founder and CEO, Carey Nieuwhof Communications


" can talk to Les for 5 minutes and it can save you 5 years."

I wish I'd had Les McKeown as a mentor earlier, especially in the crazy days of growth

To say Les knows his stuff is a huge understatement. He is a leading expert in his field. This runs in his blood. There is some serious gold here.

You can talk to Les for 5 minutes and it can save you 5 years. He will get you to think strategically about your growth by teaching you the questions to ask.


"You won't find a coach with more applicable experience and a truly balanced approach."

Philip Pearson , VP Sales,

As a young leader faced with taking on additional responsibilities, Les's coaching was invaluable.

Specifically, Les helped me with:

° Adjusting my leadership style to grow from providing purely operational support to leading a large sales organization.

° Learning how to lead using my strongest personality characteristic.

° Learning to manage subordinate VPs and Directors who were often 10-30 years older than me.

° Demystifying "executive presence" and overcoming "imposter syndrome"

Les helped me distill down a big swirl of personal challenges, insecurities, and objectives into a specific set of goals. We defined specific deliverables to make sure the coaching wasn't too "soft" or high-level and met bi-weekly to review progress and break down the challenges. Conversations were very open and transparent.

Thanks to Les's coaching I gained

- an immense amount of confidence,
- better understanding of my strengths and weaknesses,
- additional perspective into leadership.

I particularly valued Les's highly personalized style - he is understanding, patient, unafraid to challenge your assumptions, and pushes you outside of your comfort zone at a very intentional pace, all the while using a high degree of EQ.

You won't find a coach with more applicable experience and a truly balanced approach. Some coaches are all soft-skills and lack the understanding that comes from actually running a business (or in Les's case, dozens of them). Others are like management consultants or org-design specialists but can't relate to the personal challenges and stresses faced by executives. Les deftly blends both side of the spectrum and delivers real executive development through his coaching.


"If you're a CEO looking to take your business to the next level, I'd strongly recommend you hire Les McKeown."

John Higman , Founder & President, Pacific Architectural Millwork

I started working with Les McKeown when I realized needed to rebuild our organization's 'chassis' - the entire management infrastructure - while at the same time keeping the business moving forward

This was clearly going to be stressful and complicated - but it was vital if we were to get to the next stage in growth.

Les helped me identify the changes I needed to make in how we were running the business, guided me each step of the way, and held me accountable for implementing the actions we agreed. With Les's facilitation, I re-defined our management roles, brought in new expertise to the management team, restructured our group interactions and communications, and revamped some functional areas and introduced some new ones such as recruiting, training and retention.

If you're a business owner or a CEO looking to take your business to the next level, I'd strongly recommend you hire Les McKeown. The best investment you can make in your future growth is in his coaching program.


"Choosing Les as a mentor was the best decision I made for my business this year."

April Whitney , CEO/Founder, Smalletics

Choosing Les as a mentor was the best decision I made for my business this year.

Since we started working together, I’ve been able to make strides in growing, scaling and implementing processes in my business so that I am able to focus on the most important “needle-moving” aspects of my work.

More specifically, Les has helped me:

° Learn more about my ‘zone of genius’ as the visionary of the company and move out of the operator role and into the visionary role. In addition to improving efficiency within the business, this has made my day-to-day work much more enjoyable and fulfilling as well.

° Guide me through the process of outsourcing work to additional contractors as well as make my first full-time hire.

° Instill confidence in my business plan, product roadmap and funnels, as well as identify gaps and areas of opportunity (without overwhelming me or changing everything at once).

° Generously introduce me to peers within his own network when appropriate.

° Provide coaching that is clearly tailored to my personality and leadership style.

° Encourage me to grow outside my comfort zone and provide support along the way.

Above all, the opportunity to learn from someone like Les who has many years of experience has been invaluable for me. I especially appreciate the careful attention he took in the beginning to make sure that we worked towards my ultimate vision (instead of giving me a cookie-cutter plan), and his thoughtfulness towards decision making.

In Les, I know I’ve found a mentor who can help me grow for a long time. If you’re looking for a capable advisor who has years of experience, business, financial and marketing acumen, and a high level of emotional intelligence, I highly recommend Les!


David Moore

David Moore , Vice President, Pella Corp

Les helped me identify three specific areas in which my leadership could be improved: Conflict management, team motivation and performance review. With his guidance, I developed a wholly new suite of tools that enabled me to radically improve in all three area over a six month period - progress that was validated by my team's honest feedback.

Perhaps the greatest benefit you will receive from entering into a coaching relationship with Les is his complete commitment to your personal and professional development. Les will confirm you in your strengths and abilities, build your confidence and extend your existing skills considerably.At the same time, he will not shirk from telling you the hard things you need to hear, confronting you with the barriers to your personal development and challenging you to see your own blind spots.

If you have reached a point at which you realize you need expert help in developing your leadership skills, I strongly recommend you reach out to Les McKeown.


"Coaching with Les  will be one of - if not THE - best investments you'll make in your business."

My main goal was turning my glorified side hustle into a business. My goal for this year was to hit the 1 million mark in revenue, and then be able to gradually scale from there.

Structure: The first thing Les did was help me to get clear on what I wanted my business to look like 5-10 years down the line because our time together would be spent very differently if I wanted a 2 million dollar business or a 10 million dollar business or a 100 million dollar business. Getting clarity on this was huge for me because it put me into a very intentional mindset about what I wanted my life to look like. Next, Les had me get really clear on what I wanted my role in the business to look like because again, our time spent together would look very different depending on what my own personal goals in life were.

Results Focus: A year later, I'm on a path to publishing my first book, I hit $1 million in 2021 and projecting at least doubling that figure this year, and I have the infrastructure in place to continue to scale while I gradually step out of the business and into a thought leader role.

Confidence: I never once felt Les was telling me what I wanted to hear. So when he would tell me what he believed what I was capable of, I believed it. Having someone there to remind me what was important in life and business - where to place my focus and where to remove focus - is invaluable while building a business and juggling work, motherhood, relationships, and my own personal growth.

Personal attention: Les's coaching is so individualized - he doesn't use a 'cookie-cutter' blueprint, so you know that your best interest is always being kept in mind.

Return on Investment: Coaching with Les will be one of - if not THE - best investments you'll make in your business. I would also say that if you think you have all the answers and you're not open to really challenging yourself and your beliefs about yourself and your business, then working with Les may be a waste of money. He's not always going to tell you want to hear and that's exactly why I would 10/10 recommend him as a coach.

How it Works

The engagement process is simple: Once you submit an application we’ll set up a time for you to talk by phone or web conference with Les to establish if there is a good mutual ‘fit’. If after suitable reflection you both feel comfortable moving forward, we will arrange a kick-off meeting where Les will gather more information about you, and together you will set clear, achievable, measurable goals for the coaching relationship.

The coaching engagement period is 12 months. This gives you and Les time to make real progress toward your goals without binding you in to a lengthy commitment. For the first 3 months that time, you will meet with Les by phone or web conference every two weeks, and monthly thereafter. Each session will be guided by a clear agenda aimed at moving you closer to your chosen goals. You will also have direct email access to Les for the duration of the coaching relationship.

At the end of the 12 months you can opt to continue the relationship on a month-to-month basis at your discretion.

This brief case study may be helpful in giving you a fuller picture of how the coaching relationship works and what you might expect by way of results.

Your Investment

Your investment in a 12-month coaching relationship with Les is $45,000 if paid in full at the beginning of the relationship, or if you prefer, 4 quarterly installments of $12,500, for a total of $50,000.

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