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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Hear the secret to sustaining leadership long term. 

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:

Audio version not yet available – please check back later.

Developing leaders within an organization is important, and there are great programs available to help you do just that. 

However, what happens when the formal training ends? Or when some of those leaders leave and new ones come in?

As one of our newsletter readers asks: “How do you sustain a leadership development program for the long term?”

In this audio clip, Les McKeown examines how to cultivate a culture of leadership that will last. He also shares tools to help you get started.

Click below to listen to streaming audio:

“How do you sustain a leadership development program for the long term?”

Additional Resources:

What about you? What Steps have you taken to cultivate a culture of leadership in your organization? 

Let me know in the comments below!


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