Not many people kick off their careers with Oprah Winfrey, and follow it up with five years at Disney. The lessons Sara Rahn learned from these billion-dollar brands continue to serve her and her Fortune 500 clients well.
But fulfilling the urgent marketing needs of Verizon and Microsoft (among others), while trying to scale her agency hasn’t been easy. In this interview, Sara reveals how the Predictable Success model provided the vital framework her senior team needs to achieve the growth they’re seeking.
Listen as Sara shares the most important branding lesson she’s learned, along with the critical first steps her agency has taken to unlock its full growth potential.
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(Running time is approximately 20 minutes.)
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A Closer Look at Madison Avenue’s Challenge:
President and CEO Sara Rahn identified a key niche that her firm could fulfill. When it comes to marketing, Fortune 500 companies move like a large ship, they cannot turn on a dime. So there’s a need for an agency that can respond when urgent regional needs arise.
Madison Avenue has been highly successful, cultivating a roster of juggernauts as clients. But in order to grow to the next level, they needed to identify not only the bottlenecks that were holding them back, but the shifts they would need to make to position themselves for scalable success.
That’s precisely what Sara Rahn and her leadership team were able to do after being introduced to the Predictable success model. Hear how they’ve used its principles and tools to transform how they communicate, identify the key executive leader they need to hire next, and make the essential move from “heads to hats”.