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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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What It Means to Lead and How You Can Do It 

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:

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Despite media portrayals to the contrary, real leaders come in all shapes in sizes. You don’t have to be a swashbuckling hero who snatches victory from the jaws of defeat at the last, critical moment. Instead, leadership can be undertaken at any time, by anyone. 

Real-world leadership is much more mundane than our cultural narrative would have you believe. It’s typically understated, and it takes place every day.

In order to be a leader, it’s not necessary to be a genius or charismatic, or even the recognized leader of the group.

What you do need is the proper mindset, a basic skill set, techniques for dealing with the failures which inevitably arise and guidance on how to get started.

In this webinar, we’ll take away the misperceptions about what leadership is. We’ll explore how although it’s an innate skill in some, it can just as readily be learned and developed in others.

One of the keys to doing so is identifying your leadership style and then knowing when it’s the right time to step forward and use it, or perhaps transcend it.

We’ll also examine the importance of being able to manage yourself and what specifically that entails, as well as the key areas you must master in order to work well with others.

Finally, we’ll reveal the ways that you – whether you’re a business owner or a senior leader – can drive leadership down through every level of the organization.

If you’re already a leader, this will offer you a new perspective and tools to make you more effective.

If you’re an aspiring leader, we’ll show you how to cultivate the skills you need to begin affecting a positive change in how you contribute.

Join us on this webinar and discover how to become the leader you want to be. We will show you:

  • The four myths that have paralyzed leadership in our modern era.
  • The reason why effective leadership is goal-oriented, not (primarily) people-oriented.
  • The four basic leadership styles and how to determine which is the best fit for you.
  • The five steps toward influencing groups/teams when you’re not their official leader and when to use them.
  • The concept of an SPG and why it’s a vital tool in managing yourself effectively.
  • The four tips that will enable you to 'see' your leadership blind spots and transcend the limitations of your natural leadership style.
  • The most powerful tool available to anyone wanting to become a truly effective leader.
  • How most grand, transformational acts of leadership are built on a foundation of consistency of purpose.
  • The four key phases to dealing with leadership failure.
  • The reason why anyone can become a leader, so long as they’re prepared to put in the hard work.
…and much, much, more. 

Note: If you don’t hear any sound after pressing the play button, use the volume slider (to the left of the 'HD' icon) to raise the sound level.

To take advantage of the active Do Lead offer mentioned during the webinar, here’s what you need to do: 

Invitation-Only Webinar Replay: Order ‘Do Lead’send us a copy of your receipt, and you will be given login details for our invitation-only Do Lead webinar, where Les dives deeper into the content areas he could only touch on today (Red Star items).

Below are links to each of the resources mentioned at some point on the call, as well as additional ones that may be of value (click each underlined link to access the relevant resource):


NOT FREE RESOURCES (But worth every penny):

Use this exclusive discount code to get 25% off any of the courses listed above: DOLEAD25

What about you? What Examples Of Real-World Leadership have you experienced?

Let Me Know In The Comments Below!


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