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  • Pinpoint your personal leadership style.

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Pinpoint your personal leadership style. 

Do you know what type of leader you are? Perhaps more importantly, have you considered the impact it has not only on your team and how you communicate, but also on the way you approach your day-to-day work?

Watch as Les McKeown takes a closer look at each of the four primary leadership styles you could be – Visionary, Operator, Processor and Synergist – along with the strengths and potential challenges they entail.

Then access our free assessment at SynergistQuiz.com to pinpoint your personal leadership style.


Additional Resources:

Once you know your primary leadership style, these tools will help you to leverage it:

– Download a free chapter from The Synergist here.
– Order your copy of The Synergist here.
– View our free webinar(s) about maximizing your own style and working well with those whose styles differ from your own:

– Watch the What It Means to Lead webinar here.


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