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  • You Think You Can Lead. Would Your Team Agree?

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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You Think You Can Lead. Would Your Team Agree? 

This week we’re taking a look at the ways in which we lead and how you and your team can communicate even more effectively.There’s something for everyone in this issue, including a brand new look. Let us know what you think!
~ Sarah

See How You’re Perceived When You Lead

View the Video

Ever wish you could step outside yourself and see how others view you? In this video, Les examines how your personal leadership style impacts not only your specific strengths, but also how your team members will interpret and react to what you’re asking of them. Find out what they enjoy most about you, as well as what they may wish you knew.

View the Video Here

If 47% Revenue Growth Sounds Good to You…

Secure Your Workshop Spot Today!

Our workshop provided this client with the pivotal tools needed to achieve that goal – now it’s your turn. Get one-on-one advice from Les McKeown and our Predictable Success Consultants on the next steps your business should take, and strategize with other top business leaders. Sustainable success is just a click away.

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5 Tips for Building an Effective Team

See How to Build an Effective Team

Even when a team is assembled from the best and brightest, there’s no guarantee that everyone will work together effectively. In this white paper, you’ll learn why this is and five steps you can take to overcome it. Want even more great tips and resources like this? Visit our Preferences Center and subscribe today!*

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(*Note you must be a newsletter subscriber to visit our Preferences Center)

Here’s 1 Key Lesson Every Leader Should Hear

Hear Carissa's Interview Here

Whether you’re building a business or a non-profit, the challenges can sometimes seem insurmountable. Predictable Success Consultant Carissa Figgins recently sat down with COO Dave McKeown to discuss what she’s learned first-hand. Listen as she shares key strategies leaders need to succeed.

Access the Interview Here


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