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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Writing A Collective Responsibility Charter 

For a Predictable Success® team to operate effectively, it is essential that strategic management decisions are reached together, after open and honest debate.For a Predictable Success® team to operate effectively, it is essential that strategic management decisions are reached together, after open and honest debate.

It is equally essential for the Predictable Success®; team members to agree on collective responsibility: to jointly and individually fully uphold and positively support the final decision, irrespective of the position taken by the individual during the preceding debate / discussion.

I have found that a good foundation is to draw up a Collective Responsibility Charter, and to have each of the senior team sign it. Here’s a suggested wording. Feel free to make it your own:

I recognize that we practice the principle of collective responsibility for strategic decision making. To that end, I agree that I will:

  • Engage in honest, open debate during our management meetings and discussions;
  • Press for decisions that are in the best interest of the organization as a whole, and not necessarily those that are best for me personally, or for my team, department or division;
  • Actively, positively and fully support all decisions arrived at as a result of this process, irrespective of my position during the decision-making process.

(Signed _______________ )


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