In September of this year I’ll be in a tent in Wales with Alan Webber (co-founder of Fast company) and 28 other inspiring people.
Why? To speak at this year’s Do Lectures. Although this is an event I’ve watched carefully for two years, and which has generated over a million views on YouTube, it’s not (yet) hugely known in the US. So for my US friends (and anyone else who’s interested)…
– Here’s a great article about the event from the UK Guardian;
– Here’s a brief review from one of last year’s attendees;
– Here’s the event’s website…
– …and here’s the Lanyrd page.
Here are some highlight talks from last year:
David Allen – The mind is for having ideas not holding them
Tim Berners-Lee – How the World Wide Web just happened
Duke Stump – Can you light a bonfire with soul?
Ben Hammersley – How to Optimise Yourself
Enjoy. (We return to yesterday’s theme tomorrow. If that makes sense.)