Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Why this is my last blog post 

I’ve been blogging since 1999 (I’m old enough to remember the creaky transition from ‘weblog’ to ‘blog’ and the first incarnation of Blogger from Pyra Labs). For years I blogged five days a week, and for the last while, three days a week. But today I’m writing my last blog post.
Why? Three reasons:
1. It no longer serves the people I serve.
I’m not a blogger. I speak, consult and coach on the leadership of organizational growth.
The people I serve are C-level executives, founder-owners and others tasked with growing organizations, businesses, divisions, departments, projects, groups or teams. And frankly, they no longer read blogs, if they ever did (see point 3 for the main reason why).
You may be amazed at this (because, being here, you obviously do read blogs – and we’ll get to you in a minute), but I can assure you, 90% of the people who run businesses 24/7 for a living only rarely pull up a bunch of bookmarks and read a skad of online content. And if they do, they do so inconsistently, very, very quickly, and with little retention. Fact is, they’re barely clearing their email once a quarter.
People first interact with me because they want tools – tools that will help them grow their organization. They value tools they can use far above comment or opinion. An example: The free assessment that accompanies my book ‘The Synergist’ has been completed over 4,000 times since the book launched on Jan 3rd, and has generated more – and richer – interaction than was generated by a decade of blogging. The same applies to the chapter by chapter resource tools we’re putting online for readers of ‘The Synergist’.
These tools may not have the perceived cachet of a blog, or ‘position me’ as a ‘thought leader’ (*shudder*), but they do help people make a real change, every day, in their leadership abilities and how their organization is growing.
Serving the people I’m here to serve means providing what they need, not what I want.
2. It doesn’t serve you.
I’m pleased that you’re here, and it’s been wonderful to build rich relationships with people like you over the years. I hope we continue to be friends for a very long time.
However, I can only serve your needs in this format around 20% of the time, and here’s why:
One of the delights of the Predictable Success model is that it works for organizations of all sizes, and at all stages of growth. As a consequence, Predictable Success is followed by start-up founders, micro- and solo-preneurs, medium-sized company owners, CEO’s and SVP’s in Fortune 100 organizations and everything in between, including a large number not-for-profit and faith-based leaders.
So guess what happens when I write a blog post? Answer: It’s right on the button for 20% of the readers and ‘interesting’ (at best) for the rest of you.
I don’t like that percentage, and I’m committed to raising it substantially. I want to produce content that wows you every single time. Tools that go right to the heart of where you are. Resources that you can depend on being able to use every single time.
I can’t do that here.
3. The blogging model is dying.
When the supply of something outstrips demand, it becomes commoditized, and I’ve no interest in working in a commoditized environment.
The number of blog posts produced on any given day now far outstrips the number of actual page reads – which, to be truthful, is minuscule. To stand out from this background noise, an entire industry has developed around pimping blogs and individual blog posts, mostly using social media to – frankly – game the system.
I’m not making a moral judgment here, and I’m certainly at taking a dig at anyone, but it’s just not a game I want to play. Nor is it one in which you as the consumer get the best product possible. Competing to get ‘air time’ for a blog post has long meant compromising with titles, content and promotional activities in a way that drives down the quality of the underlying material.
So, what’s next?
Like I say, I want to provide you with world-class content. Content that you can use every time: tools and resources that make you a better growth leader, whatever you’re engaged in, and whatever size your organization is. And while some of those materials may include blog-like commentary and opinion from me, it should only form part of the whole, and even then it must be highly highly focused to your specific needs.
Want to hold hands with me, jump off this lumbering, stops-at-all-the-stations local steam train, on to a speed-of-light bullet train that’s going only – and directly – to your chosen destination?
Click here and hop on board. You’ll enjoy the ride, I promise.


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  1. Thanks for the thoughts Les. Our team has been wanting to spend a lot of time on a blog but the amount of work to be a competitor does not seem to be worth the payback. Even to use internally it doesn’t seem worth it since many of our employees are “reading” 100-200 blogs and at best are just skimming.

    1. Well, I’m not sure who that Herb chap is, Jeevan, but I appreciate the comment 🙂
      More seriously, I’m not suggesting this is the right strategy for everyone – it depends on your audience and goals, but it feels right for me, for now.
      Thanks for dropping by.
      – Les

  2. BRAVO LES!  You have given such clarity and words to something I’ve been feeling in my bones for a while. Blogging ain’t what it was…and there is way too much noise.  Can’t wait to see how you are leading the way – yet again.  Love, love love you!

  3. It’s a bold move Deb, but one I understand. Managing time is an incredibly important part of our businesses, so it makes sense to shift that time from creating content.
    I still love writing my blog, but I can appreciate your decision.
    Best of luck!

  4. This is one of the reasons I’ve started rolling all my “free opt-in” lists into a paid subscription format. The pendulum’s swung too far, and there’s so much noise. We’ve made it too easy for people to “consume” our content – and that’s a term I use very loosely, because they’re NOT consuming it due to the deluge of noise. My preliminary efforts are promising, and I’m committed to seeing where it goes this year.
    Just don’t go anywhere without me. You know I’m your biggest fan. 🙂

  5. Interesting perspective in the state of blogging.   At the end of the day, you’ll do what you think is best for your customer or target audience.    
    A agree that C-executives rarely if not don’t peruse blog at all.  Because they already made it and they have different challenges to overcome.   As for me, my aim is to grow talent through coaching, mentoring, client services and leadership development.   You’ll be missed.  
    Will Lukang

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