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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Newsletter: September 22, 2014 

It’s that time of year again. No, we’re not talking about the changing seasons. Rather it’s time to build your strategic plan for 2015. While it may not be a pleasurable process, there are definitely things you can do to ensure it’s effective. We’re sharing our top two below. Read on to learn more.
~ Sarah

Ensure your end-of-year planning pays off.

Why End-of-Year Planning Stinks & What To Do About It

Transform it into a tool that will reward you the whole year through.
See if this sounds familiar. After spending countless hours poring over numbers and budgets, your carefully crafted plans for the new year are complete.
Then once the first quarter gets underway, real-world challenges kick in, and your organization’s strategies are quickly proven irrelevant.
What’s the secret to keeping this from happening?
Read the article

Join us at Inc.'s NYC Headquarters

An Exclusive Invitation from Inc. & Predictable Success

Join us at Inc.’s NYC headquarters for the ultimate business strategy session.
We’re excited to announce that we are co-hosting a landmark event, and you’re the first to hear about it. Taking place at Inc.’s NYC headquarters at 7 World Trade Center, this strategic workshop will show you how to get your business on the fast track to sustainable success in 2015.
Spaces are extremely limited, so reserve your spot now – before all of Inc.’s magazine subscribers and members of the Inc. 5000 receive their invitations.
Access the details here*
*Note: This announcement is so new that the details page may not fully render properly in your browser. Simply adjust the zoom as needed, and thank you for your patience as we work to resolve it!

Watch the webinar replay

Optimizing the Operator Leader’s Toolkit

Discover the best ways to leverage it for your team.
Operators bring many great strengths to the table. In this webinar, Les McKeown takes a closer look at precisely what makes them such valuable team members. He also examines how to take their strengths and translate them into actionable leadership skills.
Whether you’re an Operator leader or work with one, you’ll learn effective new ways to get things done within your organization.
Watch the webinar


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