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  • Which of these do you want this year?

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Which of these do you want this year? 

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:

Audio version not yet available – please check back later.

 I have a simple but important question for you about your goals for this year (you get to choose whether it is about your organization, division, department, project, group, team – or even your career). 

Here it is:

Do you want step growth, like this:

Step Growth

Step Growth

…or linear growth, like this:

Linear Growth

Linear Growth

…or a combination of both?

Like I say, a simple question. But you won’t get your growth strategy right for this year if you’re not absolutely clear on the answer.

Think about it for now. In our next article (and in the rest of this brief series of articles), I’ll show the key differences between the two, and why one or other might not be right for you.

What Steps Are You Taking To Achieve Step Growth For Your Organization?

Let Me Know In The Comments Below!


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