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  • Where are you on the Predictable Success Lifecycle?

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Where are you on the Predictable Success Lifecycle? 

Here are a number of industries and organizations which I’ve plotted against the Predictable Success lifecycle (you can use the glossary links below for more info if you’re not familiar with the seven Predictable Success stages). 


This image is from 2010

Notice that competitive advantage occurs when a specific organization is closer to Predictable Success than the industry of which they are a part (see Jetblue / airline industry and JP Morgan / financial services as examples).

Where would you place Ford – part of the ailing auto industry? Amazon in context of the eBook industry?

Where is your industry on the lifecycle, and where does your organization fit? Are you closer to Predictable Success than your industry as a whole, or further away? 

Identify which stage your business is currently in using this simple quiz: LifeCycleQuiz.com

Where Does Your Organization Fit on the lifecycle? 

Let Me Know In The Comments Below!


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