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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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What’s your consistency of purpose? 

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:

Audio version not yet available – please check back later.

While the media tends to show us a glossy image of remarkable leaders achieving great things, there is a deeper, more significant lesson we can learn from their stories.

Whether it’s Nelson Mandela or Jeff Bezos, Golda Meir or Howard Schultz – there’s an underlying precept they have in common.

Most grand transformational acts of leadership are built on the foundation of a consistency of purpose.

In this video, Les McKeown examines what this means and the steps you can take to develop yours.  

Find Your Leadership Focus

Once you have identified your consistency of purpose, what are the next steps toward fulfilling it? 

Do Lead will provide you with the road map and tools you need. 

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Additional Resource:

Use this checklist to learn more about yourself as a leader.

What about you? What's Your Consistency Of Purpose?

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