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  • What happens when IO is greater than AB

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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What happens when IO is greater than AB 

Every new initiative has an implementation overhead: the cost (in time, energy, enthusiasm, commitment, attention, distraction, re-prioritization and hard cash) of getting that new thing integrated into the business.Here’s the implementation overhead of your next new thing:

Implementation overhead

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Similarly, every management team has a specific and limited amount of available bandwidth (the time, energy, enthusiasm, commitment, attention, distraction, re-prioritization and hard cash to do stuff).

Here’s the available bandwidth of your team as of this morning:

available bandwidth

So…what’s going to happen when you drop the IO into your team’s AB?

Hint: You’re the leader. You should know.
Another hint: You’re a leader. You’re almost certainly willfully underestimating one of the above (care to guess which?) and over-estimating the other (care to guess which?).


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