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Typhoons, Flipcharts, Operators and Legacies | New at Predictable Success 

You’d be surprised how hard it is to get a real sturdy flip chart. Let alone two.Dave learning a whole new skillI don’t use powerpoint in my presentations (unless I’m forced to by event organizers, but that’s a fun story for another day). Instead, I use flip charts – two of them, in fact. It allows me to be less linear, more responsive to the audience’s specific needs and areas ofBut as the new COO discovered during a typhoon-laden trip to Atlanta, most event organizers scratch around and eventually come up with highly unstable tripod-style flipcharts, which collapse if you actually try to write on them. This led to a fun orientation week as Dave (above) became my official flip-chart-holder-upper.
This week: last call for Boston, the replay of our most recent webinar, and how to leave a legacy (or not).
More later!

Workshop LAST CALL:
Boston, March 21

We’re running Predictable Success 101 and 202 (each a half-day workshop in Boston on March 21.
I’d very much like you to be with us, and here’s why.
We’ve substantially discounted additional attendees from the same organization to encourage you to bring your team.
Details of the new workshops are here.
Registration is here.

New Webinar: Working with or for an Operator

Webinar Replay:
Working With an Operator

Working with (or for) hard-charging, task-oriented Operator-style colleagues can be a roller-coaster experience.
Which is why I recorded this webinar: to help anyone who manages, reports to, or works alongside Operators better understand how their mind works; how to harness their strengths, and how to optimize your relationship with them.
The webinar replay is here.

At Inc: How to build a lasting legacy

Read: New at Inc – How you can build a lasting legacy

Great leaders build a legacy that goes beyond people simply remembering them fondly.

Great leaders leave behind a legacy that touches generations – a legacy that permanently changes how things will be done.
In last week’s article at Inc, I described the things leaders do to leave behind such a legacy.
Read the article here.


Read: How Apple succeeds in building a lasting legacy

The jury’s still out – we won’t know for sure for another couple of years – but my guess is that Steve Jobs did it.

Despite portraying himself to the end as a one-off iconoclast, it seems to me that Jobs institutionalized his vision in Apple before his untimely death.
This great article describes just one of the numerous ways in which he did so:
Read the article here.


Read: Why Microsoft fails in building a lasting legacy

No need to wait for the jury in the case of Microsoft – they’re deep in The Big Rut, with no hope of recovery.

It’s clear by now that Bill Gates’s legacy is not a Visionary one, and that current CEO Steve Ballmer is faring no better.
Sadly, this is the case despite no lack of opportunities for it to be otherwise, as a recent article made clear.
Read the article here.


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