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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Try This Training Tool for Teamwork, Assess Your Leadership Success, Clock Your Speed to Clarity 

Do you know your speed to clarity? It could play a key role in helping you reach your strategic goals this year. It’s just one of the leadership tools we’re bringing you this week…
Do Lead is about to ship! longdesc=
We’re eagerly awaiting the arrival of the first copies of Do Lead. Our publisher, the Do Book Company, shared this snapshot announcing that it’s en route and will be available to everyone soon. (Pre-order your copy here.)
Last week, Les and Dave McKeown were in Chicago speaking at an Allstate Mentoring Program event. It was a great gathering of diverse business owners, and they really enjoyed taking part.
Les also participated in a wonderful new interview, speaking with Phil Gerbyshak about key leadership takeaways from Do Lead. You can access it, an audio tip on teamwork, and other valuable resources below.
~ Sarah

See the Do Lead video interview with Les here

Watch the Interview:
Do Lead: From Wherever You Are, Title or Not

In this video interview, Phil Gerbyshak speaks with Les about what makes Do Lead unique as they explore some of the key leadership lessons it has to offer.
When asked about the inspiration behind his latest book, Les said that it came in large part from the thousands of people he’s met throughout his career. Specifically, those who would come up to him after hearing him speak and say that they love his insights, but it’s impossible for them to lead because they don’t have a title, position, or authority.
The truth is that anyone can lead at any time. All that matters is that you want to. And, if you do, then Do Lead will give you the tools you need.
Les explains that the first step is to redefine our view of leadership. By freeing one’s self from the constraints of modern-day precepts, it enables you to step forward and contribute in new and exciting ways.
In order to do so successfully, it’s essential that you know your natural leadership style. This will help you determine when to act, and more importantly, when not to – as there are times when your natural style won’t be appropriate for moving something forward to the next stage.
Phil and Les also discuss failure and the popular adage “Fail fast, fail often”. Hear Les’ opinion of this, and why he considers this section of the book so essential for helping those who want to step up and lead.
Watch the interview here

Create your leadership action plan

The 360° Assessment:
Discover Your Leadership Strengths & Opportunities

The first step in creating a leadership action plan is to obtain a clear understanding of where you stand in relation to where you want to be.
Whether you manage a team, a division or an entire organization, one of the best ways to do this is through a 360°assessment. This tool enables you to objectively identify your leadership strengths, as well as the areas where there’s room for additional development.
While you likely have a basic sense of these, everyone has blind spots which, by their very nature, are outside of our awareness. Because the assessment gathers input from a mixture of managers, peers, direct reports, and others who work with you, you’ll be given an opportunity to visualize yourself as others see you.
Once you’ve obtained this benchmark for development, you can then pick the one or two areas that will have the biggest impact and focus on enhancing your skills accordingly. If you’d like to obtain a 360° assessment for yourself (or someone else in your organization), we have a special offer available.
Pre-order ten copies of Do Lead – one for you and nine to share with your manager/direct reports – and you’ll receive a 360° assessment for free! You will also be given an in-depth action plan on how to implement these insights into your day-to-day work.
Place your pre-order here

Hear how cross-functional teams could benefit your organization

Training Wheels for Teamwork Audio Tip

When complexity causes communications to break down, try this tool.

Our latest reader question was inspired by our recent Whitewater webinar. In it, we discussed the use of cross-functional teams.
Bringing together individuals from across departments/ divisions to take on a specific issue is a valuable practice. Doing so ensures that a much wider problem-solving perspective is brought to bear.
In this audio tip, we investigate how the use of cross-functional teams evolves as organizations grow and develop. From the informality of Early Struggle and Fun, to the increasingly complex and disjointed stage of Whitewater.
Learn when and how to put this resource to work for your organization. It could just be the training tool your team needs to get communications back on track.
Access the audio tip here

Register now for our upcoming leadership webinar

Don’t Miss This Leadership
Deep Dive

Attend this free webinar – it will transform the way you lead.

Are you making the most of every leadership opportunity? Would you like to, regardless of your current title/position?
In this webinar, Les McKeown will examine how the prevailing view of leadership is only a small part of the picture. In actuality, there’s a vast trove of leadership potential that’s just waiting to be explored. He will then share specific tips and tools to help you do just that.
For aspiring leaders, you’ll learn the essential areas you must master in order to manage yourself and work well with others. You will also gain tips on when and how to begin making leadership contributions.
For established leaders, you’ll discover the most powerful tool available to make you truly effective, as well as obtain strategies for cultivating leadership throughout your organization.
Register for the webinar

Want to hit this year's strategic goals? Read this.

How to Know If You’ll Achieve Your Goals

Discover your speed to clarity and how it’s impacting your business.

“Speed to clarity” is the lapsed controllable time between the emergence of an issue and its resolution. (“Controllable” because sometimes we have to wait for things to happen which we cannot control).
And, all other things being equal, the faster your speed to clarity, the more likely you’ll hit this year’s strategic goals.
Here’s an example of why it’s important. Say the sales of Product X are decreasing. How long is it before you know with clarity that it’s happening because of a skewed commission plan; a new entry into the marketplace; cannibalization by Product C, or something else entirely?
In this article, we’ll examine when and why a team’s speed to clarity slows down and the specific steps you can take to remedy it.
Read the article here


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