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  • The visionary leader’s weekend mantra, or how I learned that it’s not all about me

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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The visionary leader’s weekend mantra, or how I learned that it’s not all about me 

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:

There are times when being a Visionary leader can be the coolest, most important thing any organization needs. 

It can also sometimes, frankly, be a shortcut to being a jerk. So, if your leadership style is that of a Visionary, then repeat after me (note that the following is offered with my tongue pressed lightly on my cheek):

On Monday, I won’t hijack the weekly planning meeting because of my compulsive desire to 'share' whatever stunning insight I read / heard / invented over the weekend. 

Instead, I’ll listen patiently and offer only what is relevant and on-point, knowing that if my stunning insight is of any real value, it’ll be just as relevant later in the week. 

On Tuesday, I won’t pull some poor unsuspecting individual into my office and terrify her,  him or they by asking outrageously pointed, though pointless, questions. 

Instead, I’ll take the same person to lunch and find out how I can help them do their job better. 

On Wednesday, I’ll resist my arsonist tendencies. I won’t light a match and throw it at some initiative that’s driving me crazy because it's struggling to gain traction. 

Instead, I’ll recognize that I was the person who started the darn initiative in the first place, and I’ll do the hard work of buckling down to actually find out what’s going wrong, and will try to find out if it's fixable.

On Thursday, I will strenuously resist the need to (yet again) repeat and embellish barely believable stories about the magnificent feats of derring-do 'we' accomplished in the past. 

Instead, I will go out of my way to identify recent events of derring-do that my team really have accomplished, and will find a way to celebrate them without the main purpose being to draw attention to myself.

On Friday, I’ll recognize that not everyone in my organization has the same flexibility around their schedule that I have, and I won’t stroll (or Zoom) into the office wearing sports gear and act all “Hey, how’s it going – we never talk these days, let’s shoot the breeze.”

Instead, I’ll realize that many people get their best work done on Fridays, and … well, basically, I won’t act like a jerk. I’ll just go ride my bike / play golf / cuddle my dog and stay out of everybody’s way while they actually get good work done. 

Do you recognize any of these traits? Which of these do you need to work on?

Let Me Know In The Comments Below!


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  1. I see this in myself and several Visionaries I know. I will print this one and use this for a reminder for myself and to steal that Monday morning meeting to show everyone this cool article I found about myself 😉

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