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  • The New Rules For Managers in 2010

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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The New Rules For Managers in 2010 

Although it will undoubtedly be better than 2009, this next year is still going to be tough for many organizations. It’s going to be even tougher – perhaps even disastrously so – if your managers don’t understand how deeply the last economic cycle has changed the rules of effective management.In this half-hour webinar, I explain how the rules of effective management have changed and what it means for you and your managers.

(Note: This is a remote recording of a screencast given to a group of managers, so the recording quality is only average, and questions at the end have been edited out for confidentiality.)

Not seeing the video above this text? Click here to view ‘The New Rules for Managers’ from Les McKeown on Vimeo.


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