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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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The end of competitive advantage; getting out of your own way; final public workshop of the year | New at Predictable Success 

I’ve spent most of my life – certainly since my late teens – in the shadow of another Les McKeown.
The OTHER Les McKeown As the lead singer of once-popular tartan teen sensations the Bay City Rollers, the other Les McKeown has undoubtedly lead a more exotic life than mine.
But as we share an unusual name and are roughly the same age, our trails get intertwined at times (remind me to tell you the story of my 6-week enforced stay in Vancouver as a result of mistaken identity – and someday I should print a few of the emails I get from women of a certain age…).
Usually the confusion goes only one way, so it was quite charming when Inc magazine decided that the other Les was now a business growth expert. (See the image above, now replaced.) Ahh… it’s the small things in life that give the most pleasure…
Below the fold, our last public workshop of the year; final call if you’re interested in becoming a Predictable Success Licensed Practitioner; a new interview with the wonderful Rita McGrath, and three ways you just might be shooting yourself in the foot…
More later!

Last Chance in 2013: 
Final workshop this year
Sept 5th, NYC

Is $450 a worthwhile investment to take you, your business, and/or your team into Predictable Success?
We believe it is, and not coincidently, it’s exactly the cost of registration for the next, and last, public workshop I’ll be delivering this year.
Full details are here, & registration is here.

Last call for the Predictable Success Licensed Practitioner program

Last Chance in 2013:
Final call for Licensed Practitioners

Are you interested in learning more about becoming a Predictable Success Licensed Practitioner?
Dave and I are currently interviewing individuals and teams who are interested in adding the Predictable Success model to their own consulting or coaching practice.
If you think it might be right for you, full details are available here.

Interview with Rita McGrath, Author of The End of Competitive Advantage

Listen: Rita McGrath says Competitive Advantage is Dead

Rita McGrath’s new book says the era of having a sustained competitive advantage is over.

Listen to why she believes this, what she says has replaced it, and what it all means to you as a business leader in our interview here.

New at Inc: 3 ways great leaders hold themselves back

Read: New at Inc: 3 Ways Great Leaders Get in Their Own Way

When coaching executives, the first thing I look for is how they get in their own way.

And interestingly, three specific patterns repeat over and over again. You can read what they are – and avoid it for yourself, in my Inc article here.

View the Predictable Success Vimeo Archive

View: The Predictable Success Video Library on Vimeo

Did you know we have over 40 videos in our public library – all available to you?

Our public webinars are up there, and a bunch of ‘extras’ that dig deeper into attaining Predictable Success. Best of all, they’re free.


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