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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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The 20 most powerful words in business; Last workshop of the year, panache from M B-S | New at Predictable Success 

One of the great joys of my job is getting to share the stage with great people.
The eagle I shared the stage with in Tampa Richard Branson, for example, and John Mackey, Herman Cain, Jim Collins…and an Eagle.
Last week at the CEO Council of Tampa I found myself sitting beside General Karl Horst, Chief of Staff for the US Central Command. Turned out neither he nor I were the star of the show – that role fell to the real, live eagle that flew in the room during the Pledge of Allegiance (right). Pretty cool.
In this week’s news, we’re hiring! Last workshop of the year, panache from M B-S, the 20 most powerful words in business, and much more. Let’s go:

Predictable Success is Hiring!

We’re Hiring!:
HowCould you be our content and community manager?

Do you have experience in creating and managing content, and building community?
If so, we’d like to hear from you. Predictable Success is on the lookout for a world-class Content and Community Manager. You’ll be working directly with David and me.
You can read the full details and apply online here.
PS, if you know someone who would be interested in the post, pass it on!

Don't miss the final Predictable Success public workshop this year

Last Chance in 2013
Final workshop this year
Sept 5th, NYC

Is $450 a worthwhile investment to take you, your business, and/or your team into Predictable Success?
We believe it is, and not coincidently, it’s exactly the cost of registration for the next, and last, public workshop I’ll be delivering this year.
Full details are here, &
registration is here.
Looking forward to meeting you in NYC on September 5th!

Listen to this Interview with Michael Bungay Stanier, the founder and Senior Partner of Box of Crayons, a company that helps organizations do less Good Work and more Great Work.

Michael Bungay Stanier: How to Do Great Work

You want panache? You want style? You want world-class leadership development?

If so, M B-S (as he’s know in our office) is the guy to know. In the 3 years since we last interviewed him, Michael has achieved more than most of us do in a lifetime.
Listen to our interview here

New article on Inc - The 20 Most Powerful Words in Business

The 20 Most Powerful Words in Business

If your business seems stalled or broken, and you don’t seem to be firing on all cylinders…

…then I’d wager a pretty large bet that these 20 words – just one sentence – can go a long way to getting you back on track. Of course, you have to actually use them…
Read the Inc article here

Webinar replay: How to use Predictable Success to grow your own coaching or consulting practice.

Use Predictable Success in your Practice

Do you have a consulting or coaching practice that you’d like to

If so, then this webinar is for you. In it I explain how you can use the Predictable Success Model to achieve just that, whether you’re a Licensed Practitioner or not:
Catch the replay here.


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