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  • Steve McKee learned how and why business growth stalls - the hard way

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Steve McKee learned how and why business growth stalls - the hard way 

When Steve McKee stepped up to the podium in Rancho Mirage to receive an award as one of the Inc 500 fastest-growing companies, he felt like a fraud.Between the time his firm had been nominated for the award and the actual award ceremony, the business had entered a nose-dive: revenues had declined 16% and employee turnover had shot up to a crippling 67%. Worst of all, Steve’s business was…in advising other companies on growth.

Many another business leader would have suffered more than an attack of the impostor syndrome, but Steve did something more than lick his wounds, he vowed to fully understand why his business had stalled, what to do about it, and how to prevent it from happening again.

He did so in a remarkable way: by studying, in depth, the thousands of Inc 500 award winners that had gone before him. And the result is an incredible book – “When Growth Stalls”.

When I read Steve’s book, I knew I wanted to get him on to the Predictable Success Business Growth Interview Series, and I’m glad I did. The result is one of the most telling, informative and useful interviews in the series.

Click here to listen to my interview with Steve McKee.

In this interview Steve shares:

  • » How and why he became an entrepreneur – and why he viewed it as his ‘least risk option’;
  • » The biggest surprise he uncovered in becoming an entrepreneur;
  • » The role of risk-taking in business success;
  • » What happened when his business hit Whitewater;
  • » Why he felt like a fraud receiving the INC 500 award and how it changed his approach to business growth;
  • » What he found out when he surveyed all the previous winners of the INC 500 business growth award;
  • » The key difference between the 18% of companies where growth had stalled and those that continued to grow;
  • » The four main reasons that business growth strategies fail, and why they often lie unrecognized by management;
  • » How to build strong leadership that delivers consensus-based decision-making;
  • » What ‘brand ego’ is, and how it can lead to a stall in your business growth;
  • » Why doubt and the burden of failure can lead management to mistakenly “cut off its future”;
  • » The first place to begin when seeking to reverse a business growth ‘stall’ ;
  • » Getting the balance right between leadership and systems and processes in executing a business growth strategy;

Click here to listen to my interview with Steve McKee.

Get a free copy of When Growth Stalls

Get a free copy of “When Growth Stalls”

Steve McKee’s excellent book “When Growth Stalls” is a superb compliment to “Predictable Success”. If you are serious about developing and implementing a sustainable growth strategy I highly recommend reading both books together.

I’m fully committed to the message and methodology in Steve’s book, so I’m making a free copy available.

In order to win, simply take a moment to submit a comment, question or observation (below) about my interview with Steve and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a free copy of “When Growth Stalls”. You can submit your comment, observation or questions here:



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