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  • Rory Gaunt on using Predictable Success to launch and grow his business

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Rory Gaunt on using Predictable Success to launch and grow his business 

Rory Gaunt is the CEO of Lifecycle Renewables, Inc. a decentralized renewable energy provider based in Massachusetts and active throughout the US.

Rory Gaunt

It has been a real privilege for me to not only count Rory and his family as close friends, but also to work with him from the seed of an idea through to the launch and subsequent growth of a real, honest-to-goodness get-your-hands-dirty business – and I’m delighted that he’s the subject of today’s Predictable Success Interview

In this age of insta-businesses, where people pop up with a new ‘product’ launch every five minutes (more often than not some ephemeral e-offering), you will enjoy hearing Rory talk about how he spotted, launched, nurtured and grew a genuine truck-drivin’, people-employin’, value-adding business.

Rory has been a fan and supporter of Predictable Success since day one of the launch of Lifecycle Renewables, and uses the methodology in all parts of the business. In this interview, he talks about the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur in the current economic climate, his personal leadership challenges, and gives us just a few flashes of the dude-ness that so marks any personal interaction with him.

Click here to listen to my interview with Rory.

You can learn more about Rory and Lifecycle Renewables at their website.


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