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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Rob Poynton knows how to improvise to innovate 

Rob PoyntonOne of the most inspiring people I got to meet in 2011 is Rob Poynton, a fellow presenter at the Do Lectures.

An all-round good guy with a brain the size of a minor planet (he’s a guest professor at the Said Business School at Oxford University), Rob specializes in the use of improvisation to spur innovation, and has worked with companies such as Nike, 3M, GE, Intel, FedEx, Cisco and Mattel.

If you have any interest in building an innovative (or more innovative team or business), nd/or if you just like listening to smart people talk, this one’s for you.

You can watch Rob’s Do Lecture here.

You can read more about Rob personally, and the La Fuente Creative Development Space and The Creative Tapas Experiment here.

You can read more about Rob’s innovation company, ‘On your Feet’ here.

You can buy Rob’s excellent book, ‘Everything’s An Offer’ here.

(Running time is approximately 30 minutes.)

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