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Reinventing the offsite, Uplifting Service, a new peek inside, free webinar… | New at Predictable Success 

Hi – I hope you’re enjoying as wonderful a weekend as we are here in beautiful Marblehead. If so, I’ll interrupt only briefly to bring you some great new resources.

Bryan Lubic wins the PS book club competiton

First up, congratulations Bryan Lubic! (that’s his smiling face right there) –

Bryan is the winner of this month’s book group contest, and 20 copies of ‘The Synergist‘ are winging their way to San Diego State University, where Bryan is a Professional Development Advisor at the College of Business Administration.

San Diego State University

Bryan is running a highly innovative program there, and we were really impressed for his vision of using ‘The Synergist’ as a teaching tool with the students, specifically to give them a framework for becoming more effective project managers.

Congratulations Bryan – we look forward to hearing more about how the program uses ‘The Synergist’ and your students’ experiences with it.

Below the fold – five super resources for you, including a highly recommended book, a peek inside the Predictable Success workshop, a free webinar, and two tools to reinvent your next offsite.

New! Peek inside a Predictable Success Workshop…

Ever wondered if a Predictable Success workshop was right for you?
Now you need wonder no more – just right-click here and download this hot-off-the-presses 7-page insider’s tour (that’s a direct download link – no email address or other registration required).
If you like what you see, dates and locations (we only run 4 a year) are right here, and registration is here.

…Learn how to build a high-performance team (free webinar-also new)

Enjoyed ‘The Synergist’? Want to know more about your personal style?
On May 31 I’m giving a free one-hour webinar in association with the great people at Soundview Executive Book Summaries (here’s their 2-minute audio summary of ‘The Synergist, by the way).
You can register for the free webinar here, and/or listen to a 3-minute introductory interview with me here.


Full disclosure: Ron Kaufman and his Singapore-based company ‘Up! Your Service’ are clients of mine…
…but he’s also a globally-recognized consultant and speaker on customer service training, and Ron has just released a wonderful new book on the subject: “Uplifting Service“.
If your business depends on making your customers happy (and who’s doesn’t?) you’ll want to buy this book. You can read more about Uplifting Service here, and buy it here.

Reinventing the offsite

Over at INC., this week’s column is about reimagining the annual strategic retreat.

Admit it – they’re a great idea, but rarely fulfill their expectations.
In this week’s article I give 5 tips to change the dynamic and produce a satisfying result for everyone involved.
By the way, if you’d like to read each week’s column when it is published (or view the archive of past columns), bookmark this page – it’s updated on Wednesday of each week with that week’s new post.

How to think strategically

There’s no point reinventing your offsite if what actually happens there isn’t that strategic.
As a sister resource (hmm, why is it never a ‘brother resource’…?) to this week’s INC article, here’s a recording of my teleclass ‘How to think strategically’ and an accompanying handout.
No registration or email required – just right-click the link above, download the zip file to your desktop, unzip it and enjoy – I distribute this resource free of charge once a year for you strategic planning mavens out there.


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