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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Predictable Success News | Power Branding, Why Great Leaders Get Passed Over, Exclusive Paperback Offers 

This week, we’re bringing you our final newsletter of 2013. We’ll be taking a short break over the holidays but promise to return with even more great content in January!
Happy Holidays from the Predictable Success Team! longdesc=
This has been a wonderful year, and we’re really looking forward to 2014. Not only will an enhanced paperback edition of Predictable Success be coming out in March, an audio version will be released then as well. Of course Do Lead will also be making its debut, it’s due out in May.
Before we say goodbye to 2013, we have some great resources to help you close the year out right. If you’ve ever marveled at the marketing brilliance behind Nike or Southwest Airlines, then be sure to listen to Les’ new interview with Steve McKee as they examine power branding.
In our latest newsletter question, we ask what’s your biggest business concern/planning challenge heading into the new year? Tell us, and you could receive a solution from Les himself!
Speaking of, if you’d like to keep up with the latest tips and resources from Predictable Success between newsletters, be sure to check us out on Facebook or LinkedIn, and follow Les on Twitter.
Thanks so much for your support this year, and we wish you the happiest of holidays!
~ Sarah

Interview with Steve McKee, BusinessWeek columnist and award-winning author

Put Power Branding to Work for You

If you could take 75 of the most powerful branding success stories and distill them down to their essentials, what could you learn from them?
That’s what BusinessWeek columnist and award-winning author Steve McKee examines in his new book, Power Branding.
He recently spoke with Les about the lessons he uncovered and how they can be applied anywhere – from a new company that’s just starting out to a large corporation whose brand is already well-established.
In this interview, Les and Steve explore the importance of not only strategy, but execution as well. They also take a closer look at the seemingly irrational factors that impact our buying decisions and how they are being used to create game-changing campaigns.
Lastly, they examine why even the best of brands will not survive if a company’s internal culture becomes too dysfunctional and how to keep this from happening.
Listen to our interview here

Pre-order Predictable Success in Paperback with New Features!

Paperback Predictable Success w/New Features

Les’ Wall Street Journal bestseller is being released in paperback with exclusive new tools!
We’re extremely pleased to announce that Predictable Success will be available in paperback in March 2014.
Building upon the valuable content contained in the hardcover version, this edition will feature new chapter-by-chapter resources. They range from webinars and whitepapers to interviews and worksheets, all specifically designed to take your organization to Predictable Success!
These new tools are available exclusively in the paperback edition, which will also include the first chapter of Les’ second book, The Synergist.
If you really want to take your organization to the next level, check out our special package offers to learn how you can work with us for free in 2014. From a seat at a Predictable Success workshop to a one-on-one consultation with Les, we have several valuable options available!
Learn more and pre-order your copy here

What's your biggest business concern heading into 2014?

Preparing for 2014? Tell Us Your Biggest Challenge!

The new year is nearly here, is your business ready?

While you’ve likely given a lot of thought to your business plan and objectives for 2014, there’s probably at least one issue that you haven’t quite resolved. Perhaps a challenge that has you flummoxed and with which you’d like Les’ help.
That’s why the latest in our series of newsletter reader questions is, “My biggest business concern/planning challenge heading into the new year is: ___________.”
Let us know and your challenge could be addressed by Les!
Submit your question here

Discover why great leaders get passed over

Why Great Leaders Get Passed Over

Know someone who does all the right things, but is frustrated by a lack of recognition or results?

There are four likely reasons why their efforts are not paying off.
It could be that the leader has an awkward blind spot that is damaging how he or she is perceived – from a lack of temper control to an inability to delegate.
For other individuals, an unresolved screwup could be blocking their way up the corporate ladder.
What can a leader do to resolve these issues or others that could be holding them back?
Read the Inc. article here

Watch the Working With (or For) a Processor Webinar Replay

Working With (or For) a Processor Webinar Replay

Is the precision of a Processor causing conflict in your office?

Visionaries love to start new initiatives, and Operators love to finish them. Once an organization reaches a certain size, a third role becomes essential – that of the Processor, also known as the sustainers of the team.
Their ability to design and implement systems and processes is key to helping companies achieve scalable growth.
In this webinar, you’ll learn how to get the very best from a Processor’s detailed, analytical approach without losing your cool.
Watch the webinar replay


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