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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Predictable Success News | How to Hire, Performing with Processors, Meet Our Newest Team Member 

This week, our focus is on hiring. Whether it’s a senior executive or a front-line employee, the people you bring on board are key to your company’s success. We’ll be sharing hiring strategies you can implement, as well as asking you about the challenges you’re facing.
Les spoke at the CUES CEO/Executive Team Network Conference longdesc=
Before we dive into all of that, Les spent this past week in San Diego where he spoke at a Credit Union Executives Society Conference. It was a great event, and our Head Coach, Julie Wilson, facilitated a breakout session to help attendees explore how they could apply best practices in their individual settings.
Les and Julie’s wedding anniversary also happened to be this past week, so they took the opportunity to celebrate. Now, Les is back, focused and excited to be working on his upcoming book, Do Lead. We’ll keep you posted on his progress and when you’ll be able to obtain a copy!
Speaking of leading, how do you make the most of employees’ talents after you’ve hired them? Our upcoming webinar, Working with (or for) a Processor, will give you some guidelines. SEPA’s Julia Hamm also shares some valuable tips in her interview with Les. Be sure that you’re making the most of your talents as well, by watching Les’ Great Work MBA session on Tuesday.
Lastly, we would like to introduce you to our new coach, Claudette Rowley! We’re very pleased to welcome her to the Predictable Success team.
~ Sarah

Register Now for Working With (or For) a Processor Webinar

Register Now:
Working With (or For)
a Processor Webinar

Precise and logical, Processors are the technicians in any enterprise. Discover how to make the most of these data-driven team members without losing your cool.
Once past the Fun stage of growth, no team or organization can ever achieve its goals without a Processor on board.
Their ability to design and implement systems and processes is key to helping companies achieve scalable growth.
In this webinar, you will learn how to get the very best from a Processor’s detailed, analytical approach while ensuring team members don’t become frustrated with their innate desire for order.
Whether you’re a Processor, or have one on your team, you won’t want to miss the valuable tips that Les will be revealing.
Register for the webinar here

Having trouble with hiring? Ask Les for help!

Queries & Quick Tips:
Having Trouble With Hiring? Let Les Help!

Hiring is an integral part of building and maintaining a successful business. It’s not easy, however, and the challenges it poses change over time.
That’s why this week we’re asking you to share what’s troubling you when it comes to hiring.
Specifically, “The hiring issue I most need help with is ___________.”
Submit your response here and we’ll select one for Les to answer in our next newsletter!
In the interim, here are three videos Les produced with Inc. where he reveals valuable hiring strategies:
Always Be Hiring
Change Hiring Styles As You Grow

Keep That Family Business Feeling

Introducing Claudette Rowley, the newest member of the Predictable Success Coaching Team

Predictable Success’ New
Team Member

We are very pleased to introduce Coach
Claudette Rowley.

With over 15 years of experience assisting clients from around the world, Claudette brings an array of valuable skills to Predictable Success.
Her specialties range from helping to resolve team conflict, to assisting with disruptions due to rapid organizational changes.
Claudette will be contributing to Predictable Success as an executive coach in upcoming team coaching assignments.
Read more about her here

Don't miss Les' session at Great Work MBA

Obtain Free Access to Les’ Talk on Tuesday

Great Work MBA is under way, are you taking part?

Les is one of 25 featured experts who will be speaking during this free virtual conference hosted by Michael Bungay Stanier.
Les’ session, entitled “How to Know Your Role”, will begin streaming Tuesday, November 12th at 1:00 pm Eastern. After you register for the conference, you will have access to it for free when it airs and for the 24 hours that immediately follow.
Sign up now and discover how to do more great work!
Register here

Interview with Julia Hamm, President & CEO of the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA)

Rebuilding From the Ground Up

If a board of directors invited you to rebuild their company from scratch, where would you begin?

Julia Hamm shares how she took on this challenge, transforming the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA) into a thriving non-profit that’s helping its 900+ member organizations.
She also reveals some of the growing pains SEPA has overcome, such as educating young staff members who are new to the working world, and how Predictable Success has helped.
Listen to our interview here


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