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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Phil Bain on launching a business in the teeth of a recession 

Phil Bain is the son of one of my greatest mentors and friends (his father features prominently in Chapter 2 of ‘Predictable Success’ and is mentioned in the acknowledgments), and over the years I’ve watched as Phil has grown to prominence as a businessman in his own right back in my native northern Ireland.In one of the most gutsy business moves I’ve witnessed, Phil chose the teeth of the last recession in the UK as the time to leave the safe confines of being a consultant to launch his own business, and has not only grown the business successfully out of Early Struggle, but has recently earned the title ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ from the Chamber of Commerce.

Click here to listen to my interview with Phil Bain.

In this interview Phil shares:

  • » What he learned about business from watching his father launch and run the Pizza Hut Master license in Ireland;
  • » How his training as a consultant educated him in the realities of business;
  • » Why he decided to launch is business in the teeth of a recession;
  • » What the secret was in getting Shredbank out of Early Struggle;
  • » The key distinction between being a consultant and operating a business;
  • » The changes that becoming a business owner has made on him personally;
  • » The mistakes he made in the early years of running his new business and how you can avoid them;
  • » What the true impact of a good (and bad) economy is in growing a business;
  • » The lessons he has learned about running a business in a tough economy;
  • » What he would advise anyone seeking to launch a business in a down economy;
  • » How he learned that Shredbank had to ‘punch above it’s weight’, and how to do it;
  • » The goals he has set for Shredbank to achieve in the next three years; …and much more

Click here to listen to my interview with Phil Bain.

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