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  • Pecha Kucha - How to make a Predictable Success(r) Presentation

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Pecha Kucha - How to make a Predictable Success(r) Presentation 

Two Tokyo-based architects (!) have developed a presentation format that they call ‘Pecha Kucha’ (Japanese for ‘the sound of conversation’). When Seth Godin, Dan Pink, Wikipedia and Business 2.0 all glom on to something in the same month, it’s at least worth taking a look at.

The format is pretty simple – and pretty much right on track with the Predictable Success(r) methodology on group communication: 20 slides, 20 seconds each – 6 minutes 40 seconds to complete your presentation and sit back down. Cool.

Check out the Wikipedia article here.
Other Pecha Kucha links from Google.


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