Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Newsletter: September 2012 

I learn a lot on the road. Sometimes more than I bargain for.Bankers getting jiggy in ChicagoA couple of weeks ago I discovered that lawyers can be incredibly funny – and last week, I found out that bankers can get jiggy wit it. (That’s 125 of them doing precisely that in the picture at right, accompanied, for reasons too complicated to explain, by Yoda, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker).
Next week I’m in Phoenix with 600 PEO’s. A free signed copy of Predictable Success for anyone who correctly predicts what unexpected attribute I’ll be exposed to then 🙂
Enjoy this week’s updates – and if you’ve ever thought of attending one of my 1-day intensives, don’t miss the first item. Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I hope we talk soon.

Only 5 seats left at the Predictable Success 1-day intensive

Just 5 seats left at the 1-day Intensive in NYC

Are you working with others to achieve business / organizational growth goals – whether in a business, for-profit or not-for-profit, or a division, department, group or team?
If so, there are just 5 places left for the upcoming New York 1-day workshop – and the Early Bird Discount is only available for one more week
The workshop will be held in Manhattan on Thursday December 6, and until the end of September, you can register at a $150 discount (subject to seats being available).
If you want to take the mystique out of growing your organization you owe it to yourself to check out if this 1-day intensive is right for you.
Details hereEarly Bird registration here.

New webinar: Working with (or for) a Visionary

Driven, passionate, committed, full of bright ideas and not afraid of risk, the Visionary brings incredibly important entrepreneurial flair and creative solutions to any enterprise.
Unpredictable, easily bored, prone to ‘shiny blue ball’ syndrome and often pathologically incapable of staying focussed on granular detail, they can also be infuriating to work with.
If you work with or for a Visionary – or if you are one yourself (not sure? Check out if you are with this free quiz), you’ll want to register for this free webinar and learn how to get the best from them (or yourself) and how to build a harmoniously hi-performing team – including the Visionaries!:
Full details and free registration are here

Nilofer Merchant on the 11 rules for creating value in the social era

Creating Value in a #SocialEra

Nilofer Merchant is what we would have called in my school days a ‘smartypants’.

Not only is she brilliant, as we all found out when I last interviewed her, she see things differently than most of us.
Now, Nilofer is back talking about her new book, 11 Rules for Creating Value in the #SocialEra. This HBR-produced Kindle book is a must-read, and the interview is well worth listening to:
My interview with Nilofer is here.


on the Go

Last week in my Inc column I showed how to develop your leadership skills on the road.

I’ll admit it’s taken me almost thirty years to work this stufff out – for me, business trips used to be an exercise in efficiency: get in, get out, get on to the next one.
Now I know better, and I’ve made four specific changes to how I travel. As a result my business trips are more enjoyable – and my leadership skills have improved, too.
Find out how, in the Inc article here.

Achieving Predictable Success in M and A - pdf download

Predictable Success in M&A

I’ve been working a lot recently in helping organizations through mergers & acquisitions

Not surprisingly, the Predictable Success model provides an elegant, comprehensive and highly effective roadmap for navigating through such major changes to an organization.
I’ve produced a short pdf document showing how the model delivers certainty and structure to what is often a difficult, near-chaotic process.
You can download the pdf here (direct link).


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