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New workshops; Growco; The 5; Working with Operators; Supercharged Coaching | New at Predictable Success 

Changes here at Predictable Success continue apace.The desk that produced Predictable Success and The Synergist - now retiredFirst, the new COO breezed in and demanded an actual working space (that meant getting real desks for us both – the battered old roll-top at which I wrote both ‘Predictable Success’ and ‘The Synergist has been retired, as you can see at right).
Then the upstart pulled an all-nighter to automate something I’d been spending (ok, wasting) 45 minutes a day banging out manually. Oh, the audacity of youth.
More exciting for you, we’ve finally been able to implement two great new initiatives that we’ve been talking about for months – wholly revamped workshops, and the Predictable Success Licensed Practitioner Program (details below).
Time will tell if the wunderkind can keep this pace up (I’m guessing he can – that’s what a 30-year age difference does). I’ll keep you posted one way or the other:

New Workshop Formats:
San Francisco Feb 21
Boston, March 21

The new workshop format we’re piloting  has been such a big hit (35 people in Atlanta alone) that we’re bringing it to two new venues.
We’ve split the previous all-day workshop into two half-days: Predictable Success 101 (am) & Predictable Success 202 (pm).
They’re on the same day, and you can choose to attend either, or both (there’s a discount if you attend both).
And as before, we’ve substantially discounted additional attendees from the same organization to encourage you to bring your team.
Each half-day session is just $250 per person ($100 for each additional attendee from the same organization).
Details of the new workshops are here
Registration is here

Are you ready to become a Predictable Success Licensed Practitioner?

New Opportunity:
Predictable Success Licensed Practitioner

Would you like to be one of just 5 people David and I will be working with personally, to license in the Predictable Success / Synergist model?
Whether you’re an independent consultant who would like to add the Predictable Success / Synergist model to your offering, or a business leader who would like to use it extensively internally, then we’d like to work with you.
This will be our first cohort of Licensed Practitioners – so you can bet we are going to over-service the bejaybers out of you. Plus, we have developed a raft of unique, never to be repeated ‘founder cohort’ benefits that no-one else will have access to.
Read the initial details here, and use the form there to register an initial, no-obligation interest and to receive more information.

Join us in New Orleans at the INC Growco conference - at $300 off

Attend: Growco:
The conference
for growing businesses

Inc magazine runs what is in my mind the best conference for growing businesses.
It’s called ‘Growco‘, and this year I’m co-keynoting with Richard Branson (CEO, Virgin Group) and John Mackey (CEO, Whole Foods).
I’d love for you to attend – so I’ve snagged a $300 discount for you.
Full details are here.

Find out the 6 best tips to supercharge a coaching relationship

Read: 6 Tips to supercharge a coaching relationship

I’ve coached business leaders of all types (and from many sectors) for a long time.

During that time I’ve noticed that there are 6 patterns which recur in every highly effective coaching relationship.
These tips are so simple to implement  – and yet so powerful – that they will transform your coaching.
Read the article here

New Webinar - working with or for an Operator

Watch: Webinar Working for
(or with) an Operator

The next in our series of free webinars is on Working with (or for) an Operator).

It will be held on Thursday, 14 February at Noon Eastern (there’ll be a replay link for those who can’t attend live).
You’ll learn how to get the most from those high-performing, but sometimes infuriating mavericks.
Register here.


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