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  • Murray mania; Final workshop this year; Making the most of the summer | New at Predictable Success

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Murray mania; Final workshop this year; Making the most of the summer | New at Predictable Success 

Apologies – the newsletter is a little late this week thanks to the chap below – I just couldn’t pull myself away from the gripping Wimbledon final this morning.
Andy Murray wins the Wimbledon Championship As a Brit, of course, it probably means more to me than most that we finally got a men’s Wimbledon winner after 77 years of waiting (that’s almost my whole life!).
In today’s news (below), don’t you wait until it’s too late to attend my last public workshop this year; how to use Predictable Success to build your own consulting or coaching practice; 10 ways to make the summer productive, and much more. Let’s get right to it:

Webinar: How to use Predictable Success to build your consulting or coaching practice

Webinar Last Call:
How to use Predictable Success in your practice

Want to learn how to use the Predictable Success model to build your consulting or coaching practice?
Well, now’s your chance – because our next public webinar is the first of a three-part series in which I will be teaching how to use the Predictable Success model to grow your existing consulting or coaching practice – in any industry or service field.
You can read more details (and sign up – it’s free) here.

Don't miss the final Predictable Success public workshop this year

Last Chance in 2013
Final workshop this year  Sept 5th, NYC

Is $450 a worthwhile investment to take you, your business, and/or your team into Predictable Success?
We believe it is, and not coincidently, it’s exactly the cost of registration for the next, and last, public workshop I’ll be delivering this year.
Full details are here, & registration is here.
Looking forward to meeting you in NYC on September 5th!

Listen to this Interview with Shawn Hunter, Executive Producer & Vice President for Leadership Development Channel at Skillsoft.

Shawn Hunter: What Makes an Exceptional Leader

people have been face-to-face with as many great leaders as Shawn Hunter.

As VP of Leadership Development for Skillsoft, he’s met and interviewed just about everyone – and  worked out what makes the great ones tick.
Listen to our interview here

New article on Inc - 10 ways to be productive in the Summer

How to Stay Productive in the Summer Months

The dog days of summer are on us, and it seems like everyone’s gone to the beach…

It’s still possible to be productive – in fact, properly used, I find the summer months are a great opportunity to ‘get ahead of the pack’.
Read the Inc article here

Come to the Inc 500 conference and let's meet up.

The Inc 500 Conference & Awards Ceremony

Jim Collins, The Chief of Staff of The US Army, me – how could this not be good?

Come and join us. The sessions will be excellent, and you’ll get to meet  some truly outstanding businesses – plus we’ll get to hang out.
Read the full details here


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