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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Lost voice, The little engine that could, C-C-C-Coaching | New at Predictable Success 

I left my voice behind in Rockford, IL. And not just some of it. All of it. Sorry - I've lost my voiceAs a result, those near and dear to me had a restful weekend while I nursed my throat and showed the little card on the right to everyone I met. (Yes, it was embarrassing, thank you for asking…)In my business, losing one’s voice entirely is like being a golfer with no clubs – it’s a little hard to do what you’re paid to do. Thankfully my voice came back 4 days later – just two hours before I was due to give a keynote in Alexandria, LA. Happy days.See highlight videos from Les's recent keynote at the Inc Growco conferenceIn other news, the videos are now up from my presentation at the recent Inc Growco conference. It was a super conference, and it was particularly gratifying to be ranked as the best speaker at the event, ahead of Richard Branson and John Mackey.
Below the fold, it’s wall to wall Julie Wilson. You’ll understand when you get there.
More later!

Meet Julie Wilson - our new director of coaching

Say ‘Hello’ 
Meet our new Head of Coaching, Julie Wilson

I’m delighted to announce that on June 15th, Julie Wilson takes up the position of Head of Coaching here at Predictable Success.
You can read more about Julie here, and listen to an interview with her here. For reasons that become clear early in the interview, this is a particularly challenging and exciting appointment for both of us.
Read about Julie here, & listen to my interview with her here.

Is coaching right for you? Find out here

Can we help?
How to know if coaching is right for you

Coaching individual leaders and executive teams constitutes about one third of all that we do here at Predictable Success.
Now, with the appointment of Julie Wilson as Head of Coaching, our coaching capacity has increased by 50% – meaning that if you think coaching might be right for you, we’d like to talk.
Read here to see if coaching might be right for you and/or your team.

Listen to this Interview with Julie Wilson, Head of Coaching at Predictable Success

Julie Wilson
and The Little Engine That

Our new Head of Coaching has taken a very deliberate route to get here.

From a farm in Ireland to a Master’s Degree at Harvard to founding her own NFP, Julie Wilson has always followed her passion.
Listen to our interview here

New article on Inc - do you need coaching?

3 Leadership Weaknesses You Can’t Fix on Your Own

How do you know when coaching would be useful for your development?

In this week’s Inc article, I describe the three circumstances in which leaders benefit most from outside help.
Read the Inc article here.

Read about our Head of Coaching's other gig

Our Head of Coaching’s Ed. Reform Not-for-Profit

Apparently leaving Harvard University frees up enough time to take on two jobs.

As well as our Head of Coaching, Julie Wilson is also the Founder & CEO of The Institute for the Future of Learning.
Learn more about IFL here


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