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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Listening for who to listen to 

Listen to Les McKeown read this blog post:

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No-one knows your business better than you do.

You know that, and I know it – heck, even the people who try to convince you otherwise, deep down – even they know it.

You bleed your business.

That’s why you get the big bucks (now or in the future), that’s why you get to set the agenda, that’s why you get to do what you do.

That’s why you are [state your full name here].

Some-one knows each aspect of your business better than you do.

They know that, and I know that. Maybe you know that, maybe you don’t.

  • Somewhere, there’s a customer who knows where your service is at its weakest – crumbling, almost, and what to do to fix it. And not only do they know, they also know you don’t know.
  • Somewhere, there’s an employee who knows where your sales process is mired in the past and how to update it. They know they know, and they know you don’t.
  • Somewhere, there’s a supplier who knows how you could shave 3% of your annual costs with one simple change in your buying habits. They know they know, and they know you don’t.
  • Somewhere, there’s a friend or colleague who knows why your company’s image isn’t quite what you think it is, or what it should be, and the simple change in tone that would fix it. They know they know, and they know you don’t.
  • Somewhere, there’s a great candidate who instead of taking your offer chose to join a competitor, and who knows why your employee offering has lost its edge. They know they know, and they know you don’t.

Why don’t these people tell you what they know?

Because no-one knows your business better than you do.

You know that, and I know it – heck, even the people who try to convince you otherwise, deep down – even they know it. 

You bleed your business.

That’s why you get the big bucks (now or in the future), that’s why you get to set the agenda, that’s why you get to do what you do.

That’s why you are [state your full name here].


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