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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Les Heads to Washington, Lead With Giants, 3 Silent Business Killers | New at Predictable Success 

This week, we’re leading with leadership! From Inc.’s fastest-growing companies in the U.S. to Les’ recent appearance on Lead with Giants, and three ways your company could be led astray…
Hope to see you at the Inc. Conference and Awards Ceremony longdesc=
The Inc. 500/5000 Conference & Awards Ceremony will be taking place in Washington, D.C. October 10th thru 12th. Not only will Predictable Success be in attendance, Les is one of the featured speakers!
Whether you’re one of the honorees (congratulations!) or an attendee hoping to glean tips on how to top the list next year, please stop by and say hello. We’d love to see you.
Speaking of tips, Les shared several of them in a recent Google hangout. Be sure to watch as he examines how to lead your team to the next level. Once you get there, beware of the three silent killers of successful businesses, revealed below.
Lastly, we’ll be adding a new feature in future newsletters. We want to open a dialogue with you so we can learn about the challenges you’re facing and help you to overcome them.
Speaking of, could you help us with one? Please take a minute and weigh in on where you’d like to see our next workshop take place. Thanks so much!
~ Sarah

Tell us where our next Workshop should be

Come to a Predictable Success Workshop!
Tell us, where should we go next?

Wish you could have attended one of our workshops this year? Don’t miss out in 2014. We’re already making plans and can’t wait to hear from you!
Over the past couple of years, we have visited many wonderful cities – from Atlanta, Boston, and New York, to San Francisco and Seattle.
In 2014, we would like to expand into new areas, including potentially Australia and the United Kingdom. That’s where you come in.
Where would be the perfect city for you to attend a workshop? Sound off here!
We look forward to seeing you next year.

Watch Les on Lead With Giants

How’s your leadership style impacting your team? Watch Les’ Google Hangout and find out!

During this appearance on Lead With Giants, Les examines the potential strengths and dangers of different leadership styles and reveals how to make the most of them.
Are you a Visionary or an Operator? A Processor or a Synergist? (If you don’t know, take our leadership styles quiz and find out.)
In this video, Les reveals the difference between having a leadership style and being dominated by it. He also uncovers two keys to ensuring everyone works together for the good of the enterprise.
Watch Les on Lead With Giants here

Predictable Success in Paperback

Coming Soon:
Paperback Edition with Bonus Features

Be one of the first to get a copy upon its release in late January/early February 2014!

Not only will this edition of Predictable Success include a free excerpt from The Synergist, it will also contain a chapter-by-chapter resource guide, enabling you to capture valuable takeaways and apply them to your business.
Sign up for updates here!

New article on Inc - 3 Silent Killers of Successful Businesses

3 Silent Killers
of Successful Businesses

Ever seen a previously vibrant, profitable & growing business that simply expired over time?

What’s worse, no one seemed to know exactly why or how it happened?
Les uncovers the hidden threats that lure business leaders down the slippery slope of complacency to their company’s eventual demise.
Read the Inc. article here

Listen to this Interview with Sarah Robinson, author of Fierce Loyalty

How to Build Vibrant Communities

Looking to establish a community for your brand? Not sure where to begin?

Sarah Robinson knows more about building truly vibrant communities than anyone else we know.
She has successfully done it for numerous businesses and is sharing her tips to help you do the same.
Listen to our interview here


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