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  • Here’s What a Launch Blueprint Looks Like

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Here’s What a Launch Blueprint Looks Like 

A few weeks ago I introduced the concept of 'Blueprints' as a significant tool to help us navigate our way out of the COVID crisis (you can browse the full series of posts here)

At the time, I asked the Predictable Success tribe - that's you 🙂 - to let me know which specific Blueprint you would like to see fleshed out in more detail, and the response was overwhelmingly...

A 'Launch' Blueprint.

Which, when you think about it, is not surprising. After all, for most people, launching a new venture - be it a for-profit business  or a not-for-profit, a charity or cause- or faith-based organization - is a once-in-a-lifetime, never-done-it-before event.

And a Blueprint would be helpful, right?

Now, it just so happens that launching new ventures is something I know a fair bit about, having launched over 40 businesses in my early career as a serial entrepreneur, and having since then coached and consulted with literally thousands of founders worldwide.

So despite my reservations about launching a new venture in the teeth of this (or any) economic crisis, if you (or a family member or friend) are determined to launch a new venture, I have not one, but THREE Launch Blueprints for you, as I explain in this week's video:

More posts in this Covid-response series
Leading From 5000 Feet
Are you Part of the One Percent?
How to Choose Your Bucket
Why It’s Not Enough to Pivot
How to Manage the Unmanageable
How to Think About the Unthinkable


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  1. Les, thank you for publishing these materials. There is always something timely in the collateral that you share. Looking forward to the “live” sessions in which you delve deeper into these items.

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