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  • Interview: Jonathan Fields knows how to master uncertainty

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Interview: Jonathan Fields knows how to master uncertainty 

I’ve been privileged to get to know Jonathan over the last eighteen months and we’ve lent each other mutual support as we each slogged through the much over-romanticized process of completing our next book.

 Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance

If you’ve ever wondered what it is that truly separates the highly creative Visionary from the rest of us, Jonathan’s new book will tell you – as will he in this interview.

Oh – and given the time of year, you’ll also want to hear how Jonathan started his first entrepreneurial venture – a yoga gym – on, of all dates, September 10th 2011.You can listen to the interview by clicking here.

You can learn more about ‘Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel for Brilliance’, and download the introduction and first chapter by clicking here.


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