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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Introducing Do Lead, Dinosaur Parks, Our Upcoming Webinar and a New Team Member 

If you’ve been following the headlines, you know that GM is in crisis. However, you may not be aware of just how they got there and why it could happen at your organization. We’ll examine that and much more momentarily.
A perfect view of Charlotte from the substitute venue? longdesc=
This past week, our COO Dave McKeown was in Charlotte, North Carolina delivering a half-day workshop to business owners and corporate partners in the Charlotte Minority Economic Development Initiative Program.
When a power outage forced a last-minute venue change, event hosts Bank of America quickly made alternate arrangements – relocating everyone to the 60th floor of the Bank of America Tower. As you can see, it ended up being a fantastic backdrop for a great day.
Dave also recently traveled to Santa Barbara, California, where he met with me and our wonderful new Client Support Specialist, Blair Braney, who you’ll get to know below.
Les’ new book, Do Lead, will be launching soon. Be sure to watch out for our announcement giving you access to exclusive new leadership content and a chance to work with Les personally! Until then, you can obtain a free excerpt simply by registering for our upcoming webinar, What It Means to Lead & How You Can Do It.
We also have a new interview with the innovative publisher behind Do LeadMiranda West, and tips on taking on Operators who refuse to get out of Fun.
~ Sarah

Listen to our interview with Miranda West, Founder of the Do Book Company

Do Publish, An Interview with Miranda West

Hear how Miranda went from a senior position at Random House UK to building a brand new publishing company that produces unique books like Do Lead.
After relocating with her family to Switzerland and leaving her publishing position behind, Miranda knew she wanted to start a new book-related project. It didn’t take long for inspiration to strike.
When someone forwarded her a link to a Do Lecture, she was so intrigued that she contacted creator/founder David Hieatt that same day. Soon after, the Do Book Company was born.
In this interview, Miranda shares what it was like to build a publishing company from the ground up. From educating herself on how to run a business, to developing a unique selling proposition that would enable the company and its products to stand out among a sea of books/publishers.
She also discusses how the spirit of the Do Lectures has been carried through in everything they do – from the tone and length of the books, to the subjects they address.
Lastly, Miranda reveals the four new Do Book Company titles that will be hitting the shelves next month, including Do Lead. Hear why she thinks Les’ book will change the way people think about modern-day leadership and their role in it.
Listen to the interview here

Register for our next webinar and receive a free excerpt from Do Lead

Sign Up Now & Receive a Sneak Peek of Do Lead

Our next webinar will irrevocably change how you view leadership, while also providing the key tools necessary to develop it within yourself and others.
We’ve all seen the way leadership is portrayed in the media – a hero comes in at the eleventh hour and saves the day. Or, alternatively, a senior executive commits a major gaffe and it receives non-stop coverage.
The truth is, not everyone in a position of leadership is a leader. And the reverse is also true. Real-world leadership can be undertaken at any time by anyone. In this webinar, we will show you how.
From uncovering the four myths that have paralyzed leadership in the modern era, to the reason why effective leadership is goal-oriented, and not (primarily) people-oriented.
We’ll also examine the importance of being able to manage yourself and what that entails, as well as the essential skills you must master in order to work with others.
If you’re currently leading an organization, this webinar will provide new tools to make you even more effective. If you’re an aspiring leader, you will gain valuable tips and insights you can begin applying immediately. And, once you register, you’ll automatically receive a free excerpt from Les’ upcoming book, Do Lead.
Sign up for the webinar here

Discover what to do w/Operators who won't stay out of Fun

When to Put an Operator in a Dinosaur Park

If you’re struggling to keep Operators out of Fun, help is here.

Our latest newsletter question comes from a Visionary who wants to scale her business. The trouble is, the Operator she works with is happy in Fun and wants to stay there.
Fun provides Operators with the greatest autonomy to do what they love most – get things done. They see Fun as the best place for not only themselves, but the organization as well. Convincing them to adhere to the systems and processes necessary to scale can be a painful and difficult process.
In our latest audio tip, we explore the options available for dealing with the Operators who pose the greatest challenge – including one which involves placing them in a “dinosaur park”.
Listen to the tip here

Here's how to protect your organization from a fate like GM's

How a GM-Like Crisis Could Happen to You

Discover the underlying cause that could surface at your organization.

Les took a brief hiatus from his Inc. column to recharge and draw new inspiration. Now he’s back, with fresh insights on what actually happened at GM and why it should matter to you.
After putting the systems and processes in place to ensure scalable growth and achieve Predictable Success, it’s common to add even more systems and processes because it worked so well up till this point. While this can take an organization into Treadmill, that’s not a problem in and of itself.
The issues that become key are: 1. Will someone act as the canary in the mineshaft – alerting everyone when innovation is being stifled and customers have become an afterthought? 2. Will their warnings be heeded?
Read the Inc. article

Introducing Blair Braney, our new Client Support Specialist

Our Client Support Specialist

We’re very pleased to introduce our newest team member.

Blair Braney brings extensive event execution experience to her role at Predictable Success. She will be managing the entire lifecycle of our client engagements.
In addition to our popular public workshops, we also offer a range of consulting services – such as our Predictable Success Accelerator Program – to assist leaders and their organizations in achieving sustained growth and enhanced team performance.
After working with COO Dave McKeown to determine which of our offerings is best suited for your needs, Blair will clarify details and logistics, ensuring that everything is optimally arranged to produce the best results for your organization.
Learn more about Blair


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