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  • How to tell what your business will look like a year from now

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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How to tell what your business will look like a year from now 

Want to see what your business will look like in 6 months to a year from now?Then take a look at your hiring for the past six months to a year: and not just at the direct employees you’ve hired, but also anyone you’ve outsourced to, any virtual employees or freelancers, and clients and customers (yes, you ‘hire’ customers too, you don’t own them).

The sort of people you are bringing in to your organizational ecosystem – from whatever source – are a leading indicator of what your organization will look like six to 12 months from now.

So look around – tally up everyone you deal with now that you didn’t, say 12 months ago. What have they introduced into your ecosystem? Risk-taking? Conservatism? Attention to detail? High maintenance? Go-getting? Fiscally prudent? High performance? Laissez-faire?

Whatever it is, look closely and take notes. That’s your future business, right there.


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