With the help of the fine folks from Result Source Inc, I’ve been putting together a new speaker reel. (A ‘speaker’s reel’ is a short – usually 7 to 8-minute – clip of selected highlights of a speaker in action which is distributed to speaker’s bureaus, used on the speaker’s web site, and generally made available to anyone who might be interested in hiring the speaker.)The clip below is a rough cut (it’s missing graphics and some background footage at the end), and I would really appreciate your feedback on it before we start into the final version. (As always with anything like this, I’m personally much too close to the trees to be even vaguely objective).
So tell me what you think, and please – be ruthlessly constructive: too long, too boring, confusing? Good? Bad? Indifferent? I really need and appreciate your thoughts – just use the comment box below the video. And please – it would help me enormously if you can be as specific as possible with any suggestions for improvement.