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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Choose the title for my next book 

Next year the second book in the ‘Predictable Success’ series will be published, and I’d like you to help me choose the title for it.The process is simple – just read the brief description of the book below, then vote for your favorite title.

If you don’t like any of the titles, vote the one you dislike least – then feel free to use the comments box at the bottom of the page to give me your feedback, and even your own suggestions – all title ideas gleefully accepted!

Get a free signed copy!

As a blatant ethical bribe, I’m giving away 10 signed copies of the new book. Simply vote first, then enter your details, including your email address, in the comment box at the bottom of the page. I’ll make a random draw from all the commenters, and if you’re one of them, I’ll mail you a signed copy when it comes out in galley form early next year.

Step 1 of 3: Click here to read a brief outline of the book

Step 2 of 3: Vote Here:

[Optional] Step 3 of 3: To be entered in the draw for a signed copy, leave a comment in the box below:

Mmmm – looks like you’re viewing this on the blog home page. Click here to go to this post’s own page where the comment box is located.


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