Why doesn’t every organization attain Predictable Success®? In my thirty years experience coaching business leaders, I’ve concluded that in most cases, it’s simply because they fail to use the simple tools necessary to achieve it. And the very foundation stone of Predictable Success® is that most basic of business tools – the dreaded performance assessment.Every organization, division, department, group or team is successful from time to time. However they key to growth and longevity is ‘Predictable Success®’: not just occasional success, but success that can be planned, and with reasonable certainty, achieved, month in month out, quarter by quarter, from year to year.
Why doesn’t every organization attain Predictable Success®? In my thirty years experience coaching business leaders, I’ve concluded that in most cases, it’s simply because they fail to use the simple tools necessary to achieve it. And the very foundation stone of Predictable Success® is that most basic of business tools – the dreaded performance assessment.
This article on Performance Assessments appeared on For Construction Pros, a business development website for professionals in the Construction Industry. In the article Les discusses the fundamentals of Performance Assessments; what they are, why they are important and how they can be used effectively to bring your organization closer to Predictable Success®