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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Finding success in overwhelm; The secrets of introvert leaders; Creating a vibrant culture | New at Predictable Success 

Adam Sandler and Salma Hayek were in our little town for the last few weeks, filming something called “Grown-Ups 2″ (I’m assuming there was a movie called Grown-Ups 1”).
Adam Sandler directing a stunt scene in MarbleheadThat’s Mr Sandler at right, in red, striding up to direct a stunt shot (they rolled a huge truck tire down the street with a man inside it…you needed to be there, I guess…)
The most interesting aspect of the entire exercise is that around 200 crew descended on our main street, spending days (and a small fortune) changing a bunch of storefronts to make it look like the main street of a quaint New England town…which is what it was in the first place.
There’s a highly important business lesson there. I’m just not sure what it is.
Below the fold this week: Help me design our next great resource; Building a highly effective team; Finding success in overwhelm; The secrets of introvert leaders; Creating a vibrant culture. Enjoy!

You Choose: Our Next Great Resource Is…

I’ve set time aside in the next six weeks to produce the next substantial resource in the Predictable Success series.
From the discussions and emails I’ve had with folks, four topics have come up more often than any others, and I’d like you to help me decide which of the four I should deliver first.
If you’ll take a few moments and indicate which topic you’d like to see turned into a substantive resource (and what type of resource you’d prefer it to be), I’ll send you a copy of whatever I finally produce, free of charge, with my compliments.
Here’s the link.

Webinar: Building a Highly Effective Team

Do you work with a team? Are you dependent on others to achieve your goals?
If so, you won’t want to miss this month’s Predictable Success Webinar: Building a Highly Effective Team.
In this free 60-minute webinar (45 minutes presentation, 15 minutes for your questions), I’ll explain in detail how to use the Synergist model to build a consistently high-performing team.
More details on this free webinar – and registration – is here.
If you can’t make the date, register anyway, and we’ll send you a link to the recording.

Finding success in overwhelm

Earlier this month I was one of the presenters at the annual Sobcon event in Chicago.

My topic was ‘Finding predictable opportunities amid overwhelm‘ (pretty apt, as I was feeling rather overwhelmed myself having just listened to co-presenters Tim Sanders, Chris Brogan and Steve Farber).
Here’s the video from the presentation. It runs about 30 minutes and is a little, shall we say, over-stuffed – so enjoy watching me race to the end:)

Secrets of the introvert leader

Confession time: Although I work in an extrovert industry, I’m personally an introvert.
As a result, I’ve spent quite a lot of time examining the differences between extrovert and introvert leaders – and concluded that although neither is ‘better’, each can learn a lot from the other.
My inaugural article in the Amex OPEN Forum shares some of the secrets of introvert leaders. Are you one? Do you agree with my observations?

Building a vibrant culture

A great corporate culture doesn’t ‘just happen’ – it arrives as a result of hard work.
As organizations like Whole Foods, Patagonia, Apple, Zappo’s, Motley Fool and many others have shown, having a vibrant corporate culture is a significant competitive advantage.
I’ve noticed five recurring factors common to every vibrant corporate culture, and I shared them in this week’s Inc post. How do they compare to your experience?


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