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  • Fierce loyalty, Scaling or growing?, Getting the most from a visionary leader | New at Predictable Success

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Fierce loyalty, Scaling or growing?, Getting the most from a visionary leader | New at Predictable Success 

Of all the fun things I get to do, delivering keynote addresses ranks as the fun-est. Not as satisfying long-term as, say, the coaching relationships I have with individuals and executive teams – but still: big, big fun.
I enjoyed keynoting the NAPEO 2012 Summit

For example, speaking to 600 owners and senior executives from the PEO industry (as I did last week in Phoenix) gave me two days to immerse myself in an industry that, until that point, I knew next to nothing about. But boy, do I know about it now 🙂

Next week I'm keynoting the Office Autopilot Users conference in Santa BarbaraNext week I'm in Santa Barbara with 300 small and medium sized business owners keynoting the Office Autopilot Users Conference. This is an industry (CRM, essentially) that I know quite a lot about – but the participants themselves come from every conceivable type of business, from chiropodists to plastic extrusion manufacturers, so I get the joy of helping them see that they aren't alone with their growth problems, and giving them answers that every one of them can take home and use.

Enjoy this week's updates – and the rest of your weekend, and I hope we talk soon:

Sarah Robinson on Fierce Loyalty

Sarah Robinson on Fierce Loyalty

Sarah Robinson knows more about building truly vibrant communities than anyone else I know.

She knows of what she speaks from hard-won experience – as you'll hear in this great interview, in which Sarah explains the principles of building truly vibrant communities from her new book, Fierce Loyalty.

(Full disclosure: I wrote the foreword to her book – not just because she is a friend, but because it's a fine book.)

Listen to the interview here.
Buy 'Fierce Loyalty' here.

Join this elite group - 2 spaces only

Want in? Here's how to join this elite group

I can personally coach only a small group of growth-oriented leaders (that's a few of 'em in the picture above).

This quarter I have openings for just 2 more people who would like to receive personal, one-on-one coaching from me on how to grow their organization (for-profit or not-for profit), division, department, group or team.

If you think this is something that might be helpful for you, you can read more details and/or register using the links below:

Full details are here
Registration is here.

Only 2 seats left at the NYC 1-day workshop

8 gone, 2 left: Join us at the 1-day intensive

The next Predictable Success Workshop (in NYC, Dec 6) is almost sold out.

I restrict the numbers (just 10 people per workshop) so that we can focus intently on your specific needs.

There are currently two seats left, so if you're responsible for growing an organization (for-profit or not-for-profit), or a division, department, group or team, check it out

We run the workshop just 4 times a year, so places are in high demand.

Details here.
Registration here.

Sure, you can grow - but can you scale?

Sure, you can grow- but can you scale?

In this week's Inc column I examine the difference between growing and scaling.

Over the years I've noticed that some leaders are really good at growing their organization – essentially, mastering the art of the sale, thus allowing them to grow their business arithmetically.

However that skill doesn't necessarily mean that the same leader knows how to scale: putting the systems and processes in place necessary to 'step growth' possible. And as a result, ultimately the organization flatlines.

Find out why in the Inc article, here.

Webinar - Working for a Visionary

Free Webinar: Working with a Visionary

Driven, passionate, committed, full of bright ideas and not afraid of risk.

Also unpredictable, easily bored, and often pathologically incapable of staying focussed on granular detail. 

If you work with or for a Visionary – or if you are one yourself (not sure? Check it out with this free quiz) – you'll want to register for this free webinar and learn how to get the best from them (or yourself), and how to integrate them into a harmoniously high-performing team:

Full details and free registration are here


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