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  • Don Imus, MSNBC, CBS and Predictable Success®

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Don Imus, MSNBC, CBS and Predictable Success® 

Yesterday’s decision by MSNBC to stop syndication of the ‘Imus In The Morning’ radio show, and CBS’s continued concern over their relationship with Mr Imus highlights a difficult issue faced by every business leader, and provides three key lessons for everyone who manages ‘star performers’.Yesterday’s decision by MSNBC to stop syndication of the ‘Imus In The Morning’ radio show, and CBS’s continued concern over their relationship with Mr Imus highlights a difficult issue faced by every business leader, and provides three key lessons for everyone who manages ‘star performers’.

Click here to read the full text of Les McKeown’s press release on this topic.


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