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Do Lead Chapter 8

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CHAPTER 8: Lead the Way



You've determined that you want to lead. You have the tools and the mindset you need.

Now it's time to get started by viewing the tools for Chapter 8 by clicking on the resource names below.

Chapter 8 Resources

articles: Identify Your Goal & Achieve It

What does success look like? What are you striving for?

In these articles, we explore the lessons we can learn from some of the world's top athletes.

Article: Why Every Leader Needs a Four-Year Goal

Article: 5 Ways to Beat Mediocrity

tools: Get the Best From Yourself and Others

Even with the greatest of intentions, it's easy to fall into familiar patterns and routines.

It's important to take the time to recharge, regroup and allow yourself to explore new ways of not only thinking, but also working.

Article: 3 Ways You Can Be a Better Leader By Monday

Interview: Michael Bungay Stanier on Doing Great Work

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