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  • Customer appreciation; Being an exceptional V; The Artisan Trap; Startup funding | New at Predictable Success

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Customer appreciation; Being an exceptional V; The Artisan Trap; Startup funding | New at Predictable Success 

I don’t think I could face another croissant – not for…oh…a week or so at least.
Julie and Les in ParisI just got back (literally – yesterday) from a 2-week trip to the UK and Paris to celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary with the wonderful @JulieMargetta – that’s us at right, attacking our 300th -or-so meal. Thankfully we also walked about 5 to 7 miles every day, so maybe it all evened out…(Julie is also the ‘Julie Wilson’ many of you communicate with regarding support and scheduling issues – she wisely demurred to take my surname when we married.)
Enjoy this week’s updates – and the rest of your weekend. I hope we talk soon:

Solve your client/customer holiday gift dilemma

How to solve your client / customer holiday gift problem

It’s that time of year when you’re wondering how to show your clients / customers your appreciation.
Copies of ‘Predictable Success’ and/or ‘The Synergist’ make a great holiday gift – not only thoughtful, but packed with real actionable information that your clients will thank you for – much better than some dreary tchotchke that will end up in a trash can eventually.
To help, I’m making available to you the same bulk purchase discounts that we give to major event organizers (including free shipping of your books to the continental US).
To order, just check out the pricing details (below), then email us with the number of books you want, and we’ll email you back with a web page to pay securely online – simple as that!
Note: We usually only make these discounts available to major event organizers, but we’re providing them to anyone this month – so if you have a budget you want to use up this year, now’s the time to do it!
Pricing details are here (right-click to save)
Click here to email your details to us.

How to be a great Visionary leader

New Webinar: How to be an exceptional Visionary leader

In our last webinar I showed how those of you who work with Visionaries could optimize your interactions with them. 
This time I’m focussing on you Visionaries directly. Specifically, I’ll show you how to be an exceptional Visionary leader.
Of the 4 styles, Visionaries face the greatest challenge in becoming truly exceptional leaders. In this free webinar I’ll show why that is, and how to overcome those challenges to be the leader your team, group or organization needs you to be
I’ll talk about: The 4 key strengths every Visionary brings to the table – and how to use those strengths for optimum results;
The 3 least-accessed skills every Visionary possesses (but which few use) – and how to develop those skills to greatest effect;
The 4 ultimately destructive myths Visionaries believe about themselves – and how you can free yourself from their grip;
The 3 things about which Visionaries are almost always wrong – and how you can get them right…and much more:
Details and registration are here.

At Inc: When you're too good for your own business

Are you too good for your own business?

In this week’s Inc column I describe a self-destructive dynamic many great leaders fall into.

I call it ‘The Artisan Trap’, and it happens when a strong Visionary/Operator gets caught playing both roles, instead of splitting them.
Read it here.

Join us on the Seattle 1-day intensive

Sign up now for Seattle and save $150

The December workshop in NYC is full, but the Early Bird Discount for the Seattle workshop has just opened.

If you’re thinking of joining us in Seattle in March, why not register now, save yourself $150, and get the write-off against this year’s taxes?
Details here, register here.

Say no to that startup funding

Why you should say ‘No’ to that outside funding

The startup sector has once again become overfunded – and that’s not necessarily a good thing.

In this week’s column at Amex Open Forum I explain why not, and suggest an alternative approach to taking outside funding.
Read it here.


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