Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Choose your dilemma 

Success in business – whatever the environment you work in – requires navigation skills. Rarely is there a single, simple course to take – usually, there’s a dilemma, a tradeoff, a set of competing outcomes:The solopreneur’s dilemma:
Do I leave the safety of a career for the possibility of creating a legacy?

The microbiz owner’s dilemma:
Do I invest the additional resource that makes this a standalone business, or stay in the safety of near-zero risk?

The small business owner’s dilemma:
Do I want to stay free from the constraints of systems and processes, or do I want freed from constantly pushing this rock uphill?

The founder’s dilemma:
Do I want a business that can truly scale, or a business which is an expression and extension of myself?

The entrepreneur’s dilemma:
Do I stay and battle bureaucracy to change this business from within, or do I leave and start afresh elsewhere?

The SVP’s dilemma:
Do I be the voice of action, or dare I be the voice of change?

The CEO’s dilemma:
Do I leave the safety of a career for the possibility of creating a legacy?


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