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Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Building a practice, how not to be needy, second printing | New at Predictable Success 

I usually write this newsletter the day it goes out – a Sunday – or on the Saturday before. I enjoy the zen-like couple of hours spent putting it together. The rain in spain...sorry, West Palm Beach
Only occasionally is it a bit of a chore, especially if it’s really pretty out (the little village I live in is stunning in good weather).
This week, no problem on that front. I’m in Palm Beach ahead of a keynote on Sunday night, and thanks to tropical storm Andrea and her exceptionally long legs, it has rained constantly since I arrived (that’s the ‘view’ from my balcony – there’s an ocean out there somewhere…).
So, let’s focus instead on new webinars, the second printing of Predictable Success, getting you coached, how not to be needy and more, below the fold.
More later!

New Webinar - how to use Predictable Success to grow your own consulting or coaching practice

New Webinar: 
How to use Predictable Success to grow your own consulting or coaching practice

Want to get a peek inside what I’ll be teaching the founder members of our Predictable Success Licensed Practitioner Program?
Well, now’s your chance – because our next public webinar is the first of a three-part series in which I will be teaching how to use the Predictable Success model to grow your existing consulting or coaching practice.
You can read more details (and sign up – it’s free) here.

Is coaching right for you? Find out here

Develop your team:
How to know if coaching is the right next step for you or your executive team

Coaching individual leaders and executive teams constitutes about one third of all that we do here at Predictable Success.
Now, with the appointment of Julie Wilson as Head of Coaching, our coaching capacity has increased by 50% – meaning that if you think coaching might be right for you, we’d like to talk.
Read here to see if coaching might be right for you and/or your team.

Listen to this Interview with Julie Wilson, Head of Coaching at Predictable Success

Julie Wilson: The Little Engine That Could

Our new Head of Coaching has taken a very deliberate route to get here

From a farm in Ireland to a Master’s Degree at Harvard to founding her own NFP, Julie Wilson has always followed her passion.
Listen to our interview here

New article on Inc - 3 things you don't need to be a leader

3 Things You Don’t Need in Order to Be a Great Leader

You need a lot to be a great leader – but sometimes what you need can get in the way.

In this week’s Inc article, I describe the three ways in which neediness can actually prevent you from realizing your leadership potential.
Read the Inc article here.

Predictable Success in its second printing

Predictable Success Now in Second Print: Special Offer

We just received the second print run of Predictable Success (new cover above).

That means we’ve sold all 15,000 of the first print run, which is pretty neat.
To celebrate, we’re making a very special offer to you – For 2 weeks only:
Grab the special offer here


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