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  • Braden Kelley on why and how to stroke your innovation bonfire

Les McKeown's Predictable Success Blog

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Braden Kelley on why and how to stroke your innovation bonfire 

Braden Kelley has just released a great new book on the subject or organizational innovation.I first met Braden on Twitter (he tweets as @innovate), and even in that constricted environment of 140 characters or less, the quality of the information he provides was clearly outstanding.

So when I heard that he was bringing out a new book, Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire: A Roadmap to a Sustainable Culture of Ingenuity and Purpose, I knew I had to (a) get the book, and (b) get Braden on to our interview series. So here goes!

Click here to listen to my interview with Braden Kelley.

In this interview Braden shares:

  • » How his early career in technology led to a lifelong interest in strategic innovation;
  • » What led him to launch his own innovation consulting business;
  • » How he uses blogging to build his consulting business;
  • » What the role is of his website in building a consulting company while providing great content;
  • » How to make sure your new products and services don’t end up in ‘Blandville’;
  • » What led him to write his new book, “Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire”;
  • » How and why organizations lose their ability to be innovative;
  • » What your ‘innovation engine’ is and how to keep it in good working order;
  • » The role of organizational psychology and structure in sustaining innovation;
  • » How organizations lose their innovation ‘mojo’;
  • » Why all managers in growing companies need to understand their role in keeping their organization innovative;
  • » The best role for an ‘innovation manager’ inside an organization; …and much more

Click here to listen to my interview with Braden Kelley.

Get a free copy of Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire

Get a free copy of “Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire”

Braden Kelley is a unique. experienced voice in the turbulent waters of innovation, and I’d like everyone to have the opportunity to hear his message – so I’m giving away a free copy of his excellent book, “Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire: A Roadmap to a Sustainable Culture of Ingenuity and Purpose”.

In order to win this free copy of Braden’s great new book, simply take a moment to submit a comment, question or observation (below) about my interview with Braden and you’ll be entered in a drawing for a free copy of “Stoking Your Innovation Bonfire”. You can submit your comment, observation or questions here


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